Day 24!

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hi again y'all,

It's the holiday season so i'm high on cookies, candy canes, and other forms of sugar. Seriously, this is one reason winter's great: you can bAKE all the time. I like summer, but no one bakes in summer. Fall is super awesome for making everything with apples, cinnamon, and caramel.

yeah so i like to bake :p

anyway today's challenge: character I'd travel with

Well actually I don't like traveling that much - I mean it's fun and I love packing, but I just get anxiety for some reason and then wish I could stay at home somehow, but not miss out...

Anyway, Lafayette would probably be a great travel buddy!! Ooh, we could go to Paris together... I have zero knowledge of French besides how to count to nine (which i of course learned from hamilton :3), so he would be awesome in France. Plus, Paris sounds super cool. 

Also I have like an addiction to baked goods and my friend said Paris has like the best bakeries and macarons and bread, so yES I want some of that.

Now I have a mental image in my mind of me and Laffy sitting at a table in Paris with a couple large baguettes. :3 :3 :3

Lafayette just seems overall like that cool guy who knows how to travel in style plus where all the best cuisine is. And it would be a dream to spend a vacation in France with the Frenchiest Fry, so...

Yep and now I gotta go. Holidays are busy but fun :) ok bye

sorry these are all pretty short...

-smol nerd w/ 4 anxiety disorders

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