Day 21!

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Ayyy it's winter break finally, which means more time for updating! Still gonna be busy with holidays, but I won't be up at six and away until three!

Back to the challenge! I seriously can't believe I've kept up with updating every day... wow, yay me! anyway, today's thing is Character I'd do something ridiculous with.

Well I like to think of myself as a logical, good child, and I rarely take part in ridiculous activity. So, um... I mean, what even is "something ridiculous"??

Hang on guys Words Fail from DEH is on, switching musicals

Alright I'm back from screaming - I mean singing :P 

anyway back to hamilton now! I guess if  ended up being persuaded into something ridiculous, it'd be with the HAmilsquad, aka most likely Hamilton. 'Cause, you know, he's the king of ridiculous things.

*Hamilton wrote the other fiFTY oNE!!*

*The Reynolds Pamphlet... Have you read this?*

*Fire your weapon in the air, this will put an end to the whole affair*

*He aims his pistol at the sky!*

yeah, you know, just some stupid choices.

If I was caught doing something not smart, Hamilton would have probably talked me into it, and Laurens would've chimed in. Lafayette probably would've told me NOT to come for my own sanity, but then was like all right, come if you want. And Hercules would've just been like wHAtever you want hehe as long as it's reckless!

and that brings an end to today's hamilchallenge, imma go watch christmas movies

bye people, adn enjoy whatever winter holiday you may celebrate! :))

-nerd who is sobbing because So Big/So Small is on

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