━━━━ eighteen

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When Jacqueline emerges holding the ridiculous superhero attire and a laminate, they all whoop and holler joyously. It may be sad to say goodbye to so many amazing people along the way, but this is what they have all been anticipating since signing up to take part on this show to begin with.

"Celebrities, today you will take part in today's trial, Celebrity Cyclone!" They all cheer loudly, revelling in their shared moment of victory. After every gruelling trial and explosive temper tantrum, they are finally here as the final four.


"It's Cyclone Day!" Mathilda screeches, unable to contain her excitement. "This is a complete dream come true for me. I don't even care that I look like a total idiot in this costume because I feel powerful. I am the best Holland superhero - Spider-Man who?"


Kate is declared to be Power Pigtails, Jacqueline is Captain Thunder Thighs, Mathilda is the Green Goblin (if he happens to be an enemy of Spider-Man, then she only smirks in the direction of the nearest camera where she knows Tom will be able to see her), and Roman is Baby Blue.

"I'm not even the youngest!" he protests petulantly. "Tilly is younger than me!"

"Yeah but you act the most immature," she shoots back, grinning. "Besides, you have pretty baby blues anyway, so it still fits." He merely smiles bashfully at the comment.

They all perform superhero poses and spin around as they whoosh away to complete the task as the Star Lords - yet another Marvel reference in a series full of them. She's starting to think ITV are doing this on purpose.

Greeting Ant and Dec as they stare out at the Cyclone is very surreal, and Mathilda may or may not completely zone out until Ant eventually directs a question specifically at her. "You're a massive fan of the show, Tilly. How are you feeling about this trial?"

"It's probably going to be one of the best moments of my life," she replies honestly. "I can't wait to be attacked by water and inflatable balls on live television." There is a chorus of laughter at her words and it is tinted with disbelief as the contestants register in their minds that they really have made it this far on their jungle journey. Two more days and the whole thing is over for everybody; one more and it is over for one of them.

Thankfully, the water is mostly sprayed and therefore not too deep, and Mathilda had been able to have one of her anxiety tablets that morning so she is feeling much more mellow about facing one of her primary phobias.

"You'll all start this trial on the spiral at the end of the course, there. You can start when you see the giant green cloud. Your job is to get off the start mark, get all four stars that you can see floating in the water, and take them to the star markers along the course. The first celebrity must begin by getting in the trench, getting the four yellow stars, and getting them to the first star marker. When they're all on the star marker, the second celebrity can climb off. They'll take three stars off the first celeb and get them to the second star marker. Then the third celebrity goes, gets them up to the third, and so on. You've got ten minutes to get all four stars on the yellow star markers. The stars have to be there at the end of the trial to count for a meal for camp."

Jacqueline mentions that she didn't know it was timed, which is as amusing as it is worrying. Still, they get into position and the klaxon sounds soon after, signalling for Kate to begin. She has chosen to go first, followed by Jacqueline and then Roman and finally Mathilda. Mathilda has been convinced by the others that she is the best candidate to go last, given that she is the biggest fan of the show and her background in dance has given her excellent stamina and coordination.

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