━━━━ three

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Almost immediately after breakfast, Kate reads a laminate which informs the group of celebrities that they will be heading off to Ol' Dingo Town to take part in the latest trial. They speculate as to whether or not they will be heading into Main Camp afterwards, but Andrew wisely decides that they should not get their hopes up.

"I don't like the unknown," Jacqueline declares and Mathilda can't help but voice her agreement. Not knowing is by far the worst part of life in the jungle thus far.

Crossing the rickety bridge on their journey is a little frightening but Mathilda's fear is all but forgotten as her fellow campmates exclaim positive words about how well they are going to do in the inevitable trial they shall be facing.

When they finally arrive back in Ol' Dingo Town, they are escorted into a makeshift prison and lined up inside of it. Mathilda instantly knows that they will be subjected to some cruelties in there, likely in the form of bugs dropping onto their heads. The thought of it makes her shudder but she wisely doesn't voice her theories, so as not to make Jacqueline any more anxious than she seems to be.

"Welcome to the jailhouse in Ol' Dingo Town!" Ant says brightly after he and Dec make their appearance and pleasantries are exchanged.

"It's nice to see you all," adds Dec, equally enthusiastic.

Mathilda laughs. "It's nice to see you, boys."

There is something especially mischievous about the men in that moment, and it is soon revealed that they have another surprise in store. Seven celebrities appear before them, walking in a straight line and waving merrily. Mathilda finds herself grinning, nerves vanished, and waving at them all.

Until her gaze lands on a face she had never thought that she would see again.

"Roman," she murmurs, quiet enough that nobody hears, as he pushes back a lock of blonde hair which has fallen loose from his bandanna.

Unsurprisingly, the jungle look suits him very well. He certainly looks as though he has been roughing it for a while, but his defined muscles and the slightly golden shade of his skin look all the better for it. Those vibrant blue eyes have yet to lose the twinkle which makes them so unique, and Mathilda hurriedly looks away from them before he manages to catch her staring. This entire ordeal just became significantly more awkward, that's for sure.

"Morning everybody," Ant says as they come to a stop, the seven of them facing the five outlaws. The rest of them seem oblivious to the reunion taking place right before their eyes, and Mathilda doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. She settles for an awkward wave in his general direction, which he returns with noticeable hesitance. Still, nobody comments.

"Welcome, celebrities. After this trial you will all be reunited back in the main camp."

There is a buzz of excited chattering and even Mathilda will admit that she is glad to be joining the others, potential Roman drama notwithstanding. A part of her will miss the jailhouse, though. It was where her journey here truly began.

"Tonight you will share whatever food you win in this trial," Dec continues to explain. He mentions the Pest Office located behind the free celebrities, going into specific details about how the trial will work. Apparently they have to each hold a live jungle critter in their mouth for sixty seconds in order to win stars for food. For every three stars won in the trial, one outlaw will be rescued from the confines of the jail.

Before the trial even formally begins, a multitude of insects come raining down on the imprisoned campmates, making them all scream shrilly.

"Bloody hell!" Cries Mathilda, trying in vain to brush away the disgusting creatures stuck in her hair. "I showered this morning, you know. Anybody would think my personal hygiene isn't your top priority," she adds teasingly to the presenters.

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