━━━━ fourteen

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Surprisingly, the knowledge of Cliff's departure is not the worst thing that Mathilda hears that morning.

They are sitting around on the logs as Kate drapes herself over her new throne proudly when they begin to discuss how much they are all truly beginning to stink.

"How long ago did we do that fish guts thing?" Myles asks curiously.

"What the bath thing?" Ian checks to which he receives a confirmatory nod. "About four days ago."

Caitlyn grimaces, they can all remember just how awful those campmates had smelt when they returned from that particular endeavour. "Can you still smell it on you?"

Myles shakes his head. "Nah. I ain't showered since then."

"You haven't showered since you were covered in fish guts?" Mathilda echoes incredulously. "Bloody hell, Mylo! I've been hugging you, no wonder my clothes stink so badly!"

Offering his best apologetic smile - which is infuriatingly adorable, let the record show - he slowly sits up. "Sorry. The shower is so cold, though," he whines.

It's true. Whenever they shower it is just like a bucket of ice cold water is being dunked over their heads. The only reason none of them have succumbed to hypothermia is because the jungle is stiflingly hot and allows them to warm up instantaneously.

"Still," she argues, "you should shower; what if you have to see your mum or someone and you smell like that?"

"Totally worth it."

"I'm with him on this one," Roman says, "because that shower is grim."

Not long after sees James appearing with one of the ominous laminates in his grasp. That can only mean that it is time for the next Bushtucker Trial, and Mathilda will admit that she is ready to do another one. It seems like forever ago since she last participated, and the boredom of camp life is slowly starting to seep in and drive her stir crazy.

"Celebrities, today's trial is called Celebrities Assemble. It is up to you to decide which three campmates take part."

The bottles are all placed in the bag as everybody chatters excitedly about what the trial would entail.

"It's got to be superhero themed," Mathilda deduces immediately. "The title is based off of Avengers Assemble, I assume."

"How freaky will it be if you're picked to do it?" Jacqueline questions.

Mathilda giggles. "I hope I am. My brother literally gets paid to be a full-time superhero, so I at least want the opportunity to dress in a naff costume and be a hero here."

"Is it weird that your brother is the face of Spider-Man?" Roman asks.

"It was to begin with," she admits, thinking back to Tom's massive influx in popularity after the news was made public about his new role with Marvel Studios. "When he told me over the phone we were both just crying so much and he was so scared but he smashes it every time he performs and I truly believe that he was born to play Peter Parker."

Jacqueline nods, agreeing. "Are you a big superhero nerd?"

"Definitely!" Mathilda reveals proudly. "Growing up with four brothers was kind of hard in a way because it meant that there was way more stereotypical boys' stuff in the house. I still really liked Barbie dolls and playing dress up and stuff, but I spent a lot of time reading comic books or playing football with my brothers. And then Tom got into ballet and we had that in common too, which was really cool."

Everyone pauses in their tasks to listen as Mathilda talks. It's nice to be able to discuss her childhood, and it is even better knowing that her audience are actually engaging with her anecdotes.

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