- when the party's over

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BEN and ___ were children of Leia and Han Solo. Their powers combined could cause absolute destruction to the galaxy. Though, they grew up with their loving parents that such a thing never happened at their young age.

As time went on the two siblings grew close. Their relationship was strong and they hardly ever argued with each other, a special bond that is rare. Their parents, Leia and Han, noticed this and admired it for they've never seen such a thing before. Right about their age, 17, the time would soon come to be more responsible with the force and stop using it to do thier beds while just sitting on the floor.

It was a cold a quiet night. Ben and ___ were fast asleep and they had been out in the town all day. All was well. The family was peacefully sleeping, yet there's always something to ruin a perfect moment.

___ shifted uncomfortably in her bed. She frowned in her sleep as she felt darkness and heat. Her breathing became fast and hard, practically panting.

Ben woke from feel a disturbance. He ran to your side as he saw the wall against your bed burning slowly. He panicked and called for his parents immediately. When Han and Leia saw you shaking in your sleep, they instantly became worried.

Not thinking, Ben touched your hand and felt and saw everything in your dreams. He saw a throne being built from anger. He saw the flames arising around a dark clocked man. He felt the fear of civilians and yourself. He felt the loneliness that darkness has to offer. This all happened with a few seconds. It only took a few seconds to tornment a young mind.

The two snapped out of the dream. Ben fell to the floor and ___ stopped moving. Han and Leia held each child in their arms. They looked at each other with scared eyes.

"The darkness is calling to them" Han spoke up.

"It knows what power they posses" Leia spoke as she had a frightened gaze at the floor. "What can we do" Han asked brushing Ben's hair out of his face.

Leia looked at Han, she had a hurtful look on her face as she knew what must be done.


"Pepare my ship and set course for Ashba" Kylo Ren hissed to a General.

Kylo Ren was on a mission to find his beloved sister. Their connection was broken and he needed power and you had it. Though you have been separated for 10 years, he had heard rumors of your whereabouts, yet everywhere he searched you were no where to he found. He'd also heard rumors that you work with the Resistance. He wondered if you knew what happened to him, what he went through.

If Kylo found you, what were his plans? Would he keep you prisoner forever? Would he unwillingly turn you to the dark side?

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