- i love you

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PALPATINE used his lighting strike to take the life of ___ and Ben Solo.

As they lay on the floor lifeless, Ben finds the strength to keep fighting. Ben looked at ___ and back at Palatine. He fights with evey last breath he can. Palpatine finishes Ben and throws him off the side.

The First Order and the Resistance scramble in the sky to keep up thier energy. Both sides neither winning or losing. Palpatine rises and commences a lighting into the sky which sends all air crafts tumbling down.

___ finally opens her eyes and looks into the sky to see the war.

"Be with me" she whispered.

"These are your final steps ___. Rise and take them" says Obi Wan

"___" called Anakin

"___" called Ashoka

"___" called Kanan

"Bring back the balance ___, as I did" said Anakin.

"Find the light ___" says Luminara

"You are not alone ___" Kanan says

"Alone, never have you been" spoke Yoda

"Every Jedi who ever lived, lives in you now" Qui Gon said

"The force surrounds you ___" Anakin called out

"Let it guide you" said Aayla

"As it guided us" Ahsoka followed

"Feel the force flowing through you, ___" says Mace Windo

"Let it lift you" spoke Kanan

"Rise ___" Adi Gallia said

"We stand behind you ___" Qui Gon encourage

"___" called Obi Wan

"Rise in the force" Yoda said

"In the heart of the Jedi, lies your strength" says Kanan

"Rise" called Obi Wan

"Rise" pushed Qui Gon

"___, the force will be with you always" Luke finished

___ stood up and the force flowed through her. She pulled out Leia's saber.

"I am the last Jedi, and I will finish you"

Palpatine stopped the strike in the sky and forced all of the lighting against ___. She defended herself with the saber and she used the force to grab Luke's lightsaber that was previously throw to the side. With that she was pushing herself closer and closer to Palpatine. Palpatine pushed to make himself stronger against his grandchild.

With a push of the lightsaber and the force, she blew her grandfather to ash and that was the last of Palpatine.

___ took heavy breaths as she dropped the lightsabers. She took a glance before she collapsed on the floor and died from the cause of energy taken from her.


Ben arose from being thrown to the side and stumbled his way to ___.

Ben grabbed ___ into his arms and looked at her with sadness. Almost as if he'd regretted all the times he tried to kill her but rather had spent it with her. He hugged her lifeless body as tears ran down aside his face. He calmed himself so he could attempt to heal her. Ben put his hand on her side and focused.

___ flicked her eyes and sat up. She was back, because of Ben. They sat there, ___ on top of Ben. They looked into each other's eyes and shared a kiss. Ben smiled and so did ___. They were happy at once. Still on Ben, they hugged each other tightly.

"I see you now" says ___

"I love you now" Ben said

"Let's go. I have much to show you at the Resistance" ___ stood up and helped Ben.

With that, they left with their hands together in happiness they've never felt before.

• i love you •
° Billie Eilish °

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