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He then left, leaving Katya speechless and Trixie confused.


Katya sat on one of the bar chairs with her head on the table. She hasn't seen her dad for like what, 10 years? She left Russia at the age of 19. Now she was 29 so the maths made sense in her head. Point is, after so many years of being away from home, years that were mostly spent out on the street, he comes out of nowhere with a plane ticket? Where was he when she was sleeping on benches, going days without food? Back then she would've jumped at the opportunity. The things she went through as a homeless woman in America were truly horrific. The alcohol, drugs, crime and discrimination she experienced were worse than anything she could ever imagine.
Seeing him again after all those years just when her life had finally taken a turn for the better was hard, to say the least. Of course she missed Russia. She missed her old friends, she missed her mum like crazy. But she couldn't go back. Not when there are so many toxic people back there. Some of them probably think she's dead. And now she actually had a reason to stay. Trixie. That woman was the only reason Katya wasn't already dead and buried in the snow.

Katya was completely quiet until they got back home. She kept thinking about the former events. Trixie didn't pry of course, she understood that Katya probably needed time.
When they arrived at Trixie's flat, Katya finally spoke up.
"Quite the charmer, wasn't he?" Katya asked sarcastically.
"Oh yes, I can see where you got it from." Trixie said, winking at Katya jokingly. Katya couldn't help but laugh a bit at Trixie's attempt to cheer her up. That didn't last for so long though. The thoughts about her father and Russia made their way back in.
She sat with her head in her hands. Katya didn't know what to think anymore.
Trixie joined Katya on the sofa. She lifted Katya's chin with her finger, forcing her to make eye contact. Their faces were dangerously close, Trixie was thankful for the thick layer of makeup that hid her heated cheeks. She was so used to seeing Katya smiling and strong. Seeing her frowning like she was simply felt wrong.
"Listen Katya, I have no idea what happened to you before you got here but I do know an unhealthy relationship when I see one. The way you spoke and looked at eachother... it was cold. Filled with anger and mixed emotions. There must've been a bloody good reason for you to leave Russia and come all the way here. You don't owe him anything just because he's your dad. You were brave and did the right thing, don't beat yourself up for it." She whispered, pushing away all thoughts of how beautiful katya's eyes were from such a short distance.
Katya froze. Trixie's words replayed inside her head. How was it that she always knew exactly what to say? She realised how little they really knew about eachother. But did it matter? She stared at her blankly for a while.
Katya shook her head, too much thinking would be bad right now. She sighed.
"I hope you're right. Thank you Trixie, for everything." Katya finally said, taking Trixie's hand and placing a soft kiss on her knuckles.
Trixie smiled at her.
"Just returning the favour." She said, earning a chuckle from Katya as she remembered their talk in the car a few weeks ago, right after a similar conversation with Trixie's stepfather.

Caught in the moment, Trixie took the opportunity to really look at Katya's face. The way her eyes grew smaller when she laughed, her beautiful smile that made Trixie's heart skip a beat every time she did it, she was mesmerizing. Trixie moved a strand of hair from Katya's face that was bothering her.
"You're beautiful. Did you know that?" She she asked, the words flowing through her mouth before she could think. It was barely audible, but Katya heard it loud and clear.
Katya shook her head.
"You're the beautiful one here Кукла." She said.

Neither of the girls made an effort to move back. Katya wasn't sure if it was the storm of emotions or the fact that their faces were only inches apart, but without thinking much she leaned in and closed the gap between her and Trixie's lips. Neither of them moved at first. They didn't pull away though either. Trixie let Katya's lips linger on her own for a few seconds. Once she was comprehending what's happening, Trixie began to kiss back. Relieved that Trixie was okay, Katya deepened the kiss. She gently bit down on Trixie's lower lip as she ran her hands through her thick curls. Trixie got the hint and opened her mouth enough to give Katya's tongue an entrance. Katya was quick to notice, sliding in her tongue and exploring every inch of Trixie's mouth. Trixie tasted and felt even better than she had imagined. Throughout her life, Katya had indeed kissed more people than she would like to admit, but none of them compared to Trixie. Everything about her was so much better. Trixie was intoxicating and Katya loved every bit of it.

Trixie had imagined this moment many, many times. But even the best version was nothing compared to the real thing. Trixie let Katya's tongue dominate her's. She moved her hands up and down Katya's back. They both moaned into the kiss, making sounds they didn't know a kiss could cause them to make. The kiss grew rougher and hungrier by the second. It was obvious that both of them had been holding back for far too long.
After a long while of kissing, which to them felt like hardly any time at all, they pulled away panting. Somehow they forgot to breathe during their little make out session, but none really cared at that moment.
"I wanted to do that since the day we met." Katya whispered, connecting her forehead with Trixie's. Trixie giggled at that.
"What a coincidence, so did I." She smirked.

They spent the rest of the evening cuddling as they watched 'Friends'. When Trixie found out that Katya had never seen a single episode, she insisted on watching it together.
They were halfway through 'The one with all the cheesecakes' when Katya decided she wanted coffee.
She got up, much to Trixie's dismay and walked over to the fridge.


"Do we have milk?"

"Not since yesterday. Sorry." Trixie said, remembering the mental note she made to go buy milk, which she had completely forgotten about.
Katya sighed.
"Want me to go buy some? My legs feel a bit stiff so I might as well."
She said, shrugging.
Trixie didn't really like the idea of Katya not being there to warm her up on the sofa, but she knew it was too silly to say out loud.
"Sure, there's some money in my purse." She said, pointing at her pastel yellow bag. Katya nodded, taking out some cash.
"Anything else you want me to get?"
She asked while putting on her coat.
Trixie thought about it, holding her chin dramatically.
"Oh! Could you get me some raspberries? I haven't had any in ages." She said. Katya laughed, of all the things the grocery store had to offer, Trixie wanted fruit.
"Sure thing Кукла, i'll be back in a jiffy." Katya said, exiting the flat.
"No one says jiffy!" She heard Trixie yell after her through the closed door.
Katya laughed. What did she do to deserve Trixie in her life?

Katya brought her hand to her lips as she replayed their kiss in her head. Trixie's lips were very soft, she also tasted amazing. Looking back, it took all of Katya's willpower to hold back from going further with Trixie. God knew she wanted to. She never experienced whatever Trixie made her feel before. It was a new sensation for her and she didn't know how to describe it, but it was definitely exciting.
Was this what her mother was talking about when she told her about любовь? The weird, nerve wracking, frustrating, yet amazing, beautiful and thrilling feeling you get that can only be caused by one person? Well that's basically the only explanation. That, or she's finally gone completely mad.



любовь (lubov')= love

Sorry about the short chapter, I wanted something a bit less depressing~ hope you enjoyed the fluff ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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