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Trixie was on the sofa, watching Doctor Who like the true geek she is, when Katya entered the room. In short, Trixie's jaw nearly fell off. This was Katya? The same one from before? Trixie could've sworn she looked no less than 46 when she first met her. How could one shower take off 20 years?
"Hey, I wanted to thank you again... for everything. Honestly, I didn't think people as kind as you actually existed." Katya said bowing her head slightly to show her gratitude.
Trixie was still in shock from her appearance, she could barely focus on what Katya was saying. Everything from her blonde hair, defined features, pale skin and ocean blue eyes had Trixie completely awestruck. She looked like someone straight off a runway in Paris.
Eventually she came back to reality, in which Katya thanked her so sweetly.
"You're welcome, Katya. To be honest I didn't think you were this... young." Trixie confessed, she felt her face heat up slightly.
Katya let out a bitter laugh.
"I'm 29, but it feels more like 86 at this point. What about you? You look young, why did your boss give you such a late shift?" Katya asked. It had been bothering her from the start that a young, pure hearted girl like Trixie was working so late at a diner.
"Oh, well that's because i'm the owner... I usually take night shifts to save money on staff, and there are much less customers at those hours so it's easier. Plus, it's when Kim, one of my best friends works in the kitchen." Trixie explained.
Katya was surprised to hear that Trixie was the owner, but then again that would explain the diner's name. Mattel. Trixie Mattel. Katya was a bit disappointed in herself for not figuring it out when Trixie revealed her name.
"That's cool." Was all Katya said. But in her brain, there were still so many questions. Why would Trixie take her in so easily? Wasn't she scared? Katya could've been a serial killer for all she knew. Of course, she'd never dare to actually ask her that. She'd have to leave tomorrow anyway. Trixie would forget about her in no time, and she would still be living on the streets. Or dead. Either way, the answers to those questions wouldn't matter.
"Yeah, I guess... It was either that or becoming a farmer." Trixie joked, earning a laugh from Katya. Trixie decided at that very moment that her new purpose in life is to make this girl laugh, not to be dramatic though.
"It's late, I still have some papers to sign but you must be exhausted, go get some rest. I'll see you in the morning." Trixie said, finishing her sentence with a loud yawn.
"Alright... uhm, where can I sleep?" Katya asked, feeling incredibly selfish for disturbing her work.
"My bedroom is right there, make yourself at home." Trixie pointed towards the door closest to the bathroom.
It took Katya a moment to process Trixie's words.
"W-what? No, I couldn't possibly take your bed. Where would you sleep? I'll just sleep here on the sofa when you're done if that's okay... Even the floor is fine, I really don't mind-"

"Katya! Calm down. I wouldn't have offered it if it wasn't okay. I'll probably end up falling asleep here anyway. Just go to bed. Please?" Trixie cut her off, too tired to argue. It broke her heart that Katya thought so low of herself. She deserved so much more. Besides, it's been a while since Trixie had a beautiful girl in her bed, so she wasn't exactly complaining.

Katya sighed. It was obvious that she wasn't going to win this argument.
"Are you sure?" She asked once again, it wouldn't hurt to try. Trixie shouldn't be giving up her bed for Katya's sake. But Trixie just gave her a 'don't make me slap you' face.
"...Alright then. Good night, kukla." Katya gave in, not realizing she said the nickname out loud.
Trixie was confused by the Russian, especially because of how seductive it sounded coming out of Katya's mouth. She felt like she could listen to her speak all night long. Although, there are much better things Katya's mouth could do. Trixie hated herself for having such thoughts about someone as vulnerable as Katya, but she couldn't help it. Katya was absolutely gorgeous, inside and out.
"Good night, Katya." Trixie smiled.

The next morning, Katya woke up to an empty flat. She was ready to have a full on panic attack when she saw a note on the table.

You were sleeping so adorably I didn't wanna wake you up. I made you some breakfast, it's in the fridge. Please use the phone in the living room to call me after you've finished eating and getting ready. There are clothes and a coat for you on the chair.

Katya read the note carefully before placing it back on the table. Trixie really was an Angel. If it weren't for the constant pinching that began to leave bruises, Katya would still be sure that she died and went to heaven.
Katya didn't think she was physically able to sleep for 14 hours straight, but the clock proved her wrong. It was the best sleep she's had in years. A warm bed, huge blankets, and everything smelled like Trixie. Basically, it was perfect. It amazed her how much one night of good sleep could do. She felt as if her body got restarted.
Katya did as she was told, finding a mobile phone in the living room just like Trixie said. She dialled the number on the note.

"Hello? Hi Trixie it's Katya"

"Hey! Is everything alright? Did you eat?"

"Yeah, I really can't thank you enough... what did you wanna talk about? If it's about when i'm leaving i'm sorry i'm such a pain, I was planning to go as soon as possible but I couldn't just leave your flat unlocked-"

"Don't thank me just yet... can you come to the diner right now? It's a ten minute walk, I'll send you the location. Oh, and there are spare keys next to the front door. See ya then~"

Trixie ended the call there, not giving Katya a chance to object.
Katya sighed, wondering why on earth Trixie would want to see her again, and at her own diner of all places. Nonetheless, she put on the coat Trixie lent her, and started walking to the location.

Red Snow ~ TrixyaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora