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Trixie couldn't get over the woman who had just left the diner. She looked pretty old, but her eyes were so young... Maybe it was because of the dirt? Either way, Trixie's heart couldn't stand seeing her like that. She could almost sense her sadness. She saw it in her eyes. It was hard to tell with all the layers she was wearing, but one look at her wrist told her that the woman was definitely on the verge of being emaciated. Trixie nearly cried when she saw the woman tear up in joy over some old pastries.
"Trix, i'm heading out! Have a safe drive home hon. 'Gnight!" Kim, Trixie's employee and friend, gave her a quick hug before walking outside.
Trixie quickly made sure everything was in order and ready for tomorrow. When she was satisfied, she locked up and walked outside to find her car.
That's when she saw something dumped on the bench that she parked in front of. She wasn't sure if it was a garbage bag or a dead dog from far away, so she went closer.
"Oh. My. God."
She realized it was neither.
She ran towards the bench, it was the lady from earlier! What was she doing sleeping on a bench when it's snowing? Maybe she's dead? Trixie tried not to panic, so instead she poked her.
...No response.
"Please don't be dead.." Trixie whispered, mostly to herself.
She poked her again.
That's when Katya nearly jumped up, waking up with a gasp.
Trixie let out a relieved breath.
"Thank god! I was about to call an ambulance!" Trixie said, putting her hand on Katya's shoulder.
Katya didn't know what to do. She was shocked, to say the least. First this woman was being nice to her, and now she's touching her? Maybe she was still dreaming. That's the only explanation. No one has dared to touch someone as repulsive as her for years, and suddenly this angel of a girl touches her like it's nothing? Katya was thanking whichever god exists for the existence of someone so wonderful.
It wasn't until Trixie coughed that Katya realized she was staring.
"Oh right, Sorry! I'm okay." Katya said, trying her best to form a smile.
"Oh, well that's great. Would you like a ride home? It's not very safe to be here alone at night, haha" Trixie offered. She kind of knew the answer though. No one with a home would sleep so soundly on a bench.
"Thanks for the offer but, you see.. I don't have much of a home to go back to. Just forget about me miss, drive home safely." Katya said, looking down.
Trixie couldn't help but what to help the woman. How could someone so kind and polite be homeless? She's definitely got an education, even with the Russian accent her grammar was pretty much perfect.
"I don't know how to ask this without sounding creepy, but would you like to come over to my place for the night? You look like you need some proper rest and a bath. Of course, you don't have to agree. To be honest i'd enjoy the company, so it's a win win for us both. What do ya say?" Trixie asked, hoping the lady would accept her help.
Saying Katya was surprised would be an understatement. She was amazed by the girl's kindness. Why would someone like her even give Katya a second thought? She didn't deserve such kindness.
"I couldn't possibly burden you like that..." Katya protested, she couldn't keep taking stuff for free. It wouldn't be fair to the girl.
"Burden me? Are you kidding? It's really not that big a deal, it'd even be nice!" She said, smiling even wider.
Katya gave her a look.
"Are... are you sure? You don't even know my name, yet you're inviting me over? I hope you don't do that with every homeless person you find on the street, it could be dangerous you know." Katya said have jokingly, still amazed but slightly concerned for the girl. Trixie laughed.
"Actually, you're the first one. My name is Trixie by the way. Trixie Mattel. And you are?" Trixie said, giving herself a mental facepalm for forgetting to introduce herself.
"My name is Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova, but you can call me Katya. It's nice to meet you, Trixie." Katya introduced herself, hoping she didn't sound too weird.
Trixie smiled and shook her hand.
"So Katya, are you coming or not?" Trixie grinned, already turning around and beginning to walk towards her car.
Katya knew this was her only chance. If she passed this up, something like this will probably never happen to her again. So she did what any person in her situation with a brain would do, and followed the pretty lady.

The ride back to Trixie's was silent. Not one of those awkward silences though, it was a peaceful silence. Katya stared out the window, mesmerized by the far away shimmering city lights, while Trixie focused on the road. Dolly Parton songs played softly in the background, but neither one of the girls paid any attention to them.
Soon, they arrived at Trixie's building. Once they got inside, Katya took in the sight of Trixie's cosy, adorable flat that smelled like vanilla.
"Sorry about the mess, haha.."
Trixie said, scratching the back of her neck. Katya nearly choked.
"It's perfect. I'm grateful you let me come here, really. I wish I could repay you..." Katya felt so useless. Unworthy, even.
"I already told you, it's my pleasure! I'll give you a fresh set of clothes, put everything you're wearing in the washing machine and i'll wash it for you. This is the bathroom, feel free to use whatever you need to shower with. There's also a new toothbrush in the top drawer. If you need anything just tell me." Trixie said, leaving the bathroom for Katya to use.

Katya took a moment to look at herself in the mirror. She didn't recognize the person looking back. She looked so dirty... so old and disgusting. Her once shiny platnum blonde hair was so dirty it looked like a brownish gray. Her bones were visible. Her skin was dry. Even her eyes looked dead. She wondered how the hell Trixie wasn't disgusted by her.
Katya didn't want to waste any time, she stripped, put everything inside the washing machine, and stepped straight into the shower. The hot water felt like pure bliss. Katya nearly moaned at how good it felt against her skin. She didn't hesitate to use ridiculous amounts of soap, shampoo and conditioner. God knows she needed it. She scrubbed every inch of her body, getting rid of all the dirt. Even her nails were shining by the time the was done. When she was satisfied with her cleanliness, she finally stepped out of the shower. Trixie had given her some underwear, an oversized T-shirt and comfy shorts to sleep with. Katya quickly got changed, she was still surprised at how skinny she's gotten, the shirt could fit two more of her. She decided she had to gain weight as soon as possible. Back in Russia, a woman as skinny as her would be considered sickly. She remembered a time when she was healthy. Still skinny, but toned and curved in all the right places.
Katya sighed, picking up the toothbrush. If there was one thing Katya loved about herself it was her teeth. Even after years on the streets, they were still perfectly white. She ran out of toothpaste the day before, so brushing them again after 24 hours with such expensive products was refreshing. Katya looked at herself again. It was a million times better than what she started with, but the bags under her eyes were still there. The bones were still poking out. She had a long way to go until she could look at herself and feel sexy again. After making sure everything was neat and tidy like it was when she got there, Katya exited the bathroom to go and thank Trixie.

Red Snow ~ TrixyaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora