Chapter 5: Your Stars Are In My Dreams

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[Revised Version]

"All this is no coincidence. Maybe it's the Providence of the Universe. It just had to be that. You know, I know. You're Me, I am You. As much as my Heart flutters, I'm scared. The Destiny is jealous of Us. Our Happiness was meant to be 'cause you love me and I love you." ~Park Jimin, BTS


He was a Lonely Boy under the Dark Night Sky with the million White Stars over his head. On the balcony of their Wooden Home, the comfort of those Infinite, Bright Dots was in their Stability. They had Consistency. They were there every night in a way that the Man could never be.

A sudden wind flicked at him, making him shiver. He crossed his arms over his chest, hugging himself. That wind had something powerful in it. It soothed his aching Soul better than those Stars. Only one Man could.

"You came." His voice was soft, his Heart tired. The usual excitement was missing from his voice. And it was all because of him.

The Man was right behind him, scrutinizing the back of the Boy's head with pensive eyes. He was standing before the open window doors to the only bedroom of their Home, feeling what he could. The usual effulgent Flame was absent and away. His posture on that small outdoor sofa was sad and miserable. And the Loneliness in him - the Man had left him alone for far too long.


He turned and went further inside the bedroom, grabbing the yellow blanket from the end of the bed. His Blue Flames around his palms had already made their appearance, the Protector within him eager to provide warmth to the Rightful Owner of his Rough-hewn Heart. He headed back to the Boy, getting close this time.

"You're cold."

He, too, was a quirky side of himself around that Angelic, Little Thing. He was sweet and gentle - careful and soft. And the Man had never been those things. He only was because his Heart needed that for his other missing half.

The Boy didn't respond to his presence. Blue wouldn't align with his Darkness. That Tiny Forgiving Soul wouldn't exculpate his Poor and Tired Bones, his defeated gaze stuck on the inky, starry Sky, not sparing him a glance. He bent forward and covered the Boy's shoulders with the blanket anyway. All he wanted, still, was to pass some of his warmth to him. But all he did was curl his two hands into tight fists and retreat.

"You're just like them." The Boy whispered it like some sacred secret with Love and Awe as if he wanted no one but the sweet wind to hear - but the Man to hear. The corners of his mouth curled and turned into a little, wistful smile. The Boy had pure adoration for the Stars. He just wished right then he could love them more than the Man. Those Dots were there for him every night - the Man was never. They deserved that privilege.

The Man didn't like where this was going. The Boy was cold and unapproachable, tired and wrecked. And he had never been those things - he could never!

Without a second thought, the Man dropped to his knees heavily like a stone. The motion forced that Little Sweetheart to look down at him. A mere glance and the Fondness was slowly returning to that Blue. But the sadness lingered.

"Faraway..." The two Cyan Pearls of the Sea darted from one Dark orb to the other, scrutinizing - adoring in slow motion. Every tiny Star from above was in that unfathomably deep Darkness. Red Skies were a different type of temptation. But that Black had Light in it. And there, the Man couldn't hide. "I see you, and you're still so far."

The Man couldn't endure it. He grabbed the Boy's hands from his lap and imprisoned them within his warmer and larger ones. Blue Flames reappeared around them, radiating tender warmth for those wintry ones underneath. He couldn't utter a single thing. He could only stay there on his knees before that Beautiful Creature, silently listening - staring as if that Singular Entity was his whole Universe and more.

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