Outro: Cupid's Arrow

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The moment she open
her front door,
there stood Jisung, panting,
on her porch.
His smiles brightens
everything immediately
and her heart skipped a beat.

"Why do you look like that?"

"I came running to you,
that's what happened." 

He smiles again
letting a small chuckle
escape his pretty lips. 

Y/N blush and due
to her surprise she
almost stumbled
backward at his words.
Jisung panicked.

"So, what do you want?"
She ask him seriously.

Jisung smiles.

"You already know what I want.
I've answered you before already."

Y/N's lips curves into a smile. 
God she hate him so much.

"Just how the heck
 did I fell for you after
 you dumb attempt
of playing cupid
with rubber bands?"

Jisung shrugs and
she roll her eyes
but as soon as she
was about to turn
around she felt a
shock on her leg.
Quickly she bent
down to see a red
rubber band again. 

"Oops I'm sorry
but did it hurt?"
Jisung cock an
eyebrow as his
lips wore a
mischievous smile. 


"When you
fell from heaven."
He finalize and
she gave up right then. 

"Well then it looks
like cupid just lost
his job to a squirrel
with cheesy pick up lines." 

Jisung laughs and
he bent down on his
knees to stay on the
same level as Y/N.

"I'm waiting..."
He whispers.
Y/N blush.


"For you to tell me
that you fell hard core
for me." He wink.
"After all you did
fell from heaven--"

"Okay listen cupid
I may like you but
I have my limits with
pick up lines." 

"Then hurry up and confess..."
Jisung pouts non stop.
He was growing
impatient feeling
played once again
and she smirks. 

"I like you."
Jisung smiles.

"Well then angel,
if you like me then
I'm hoping to hear you
say I love you
when the time comes."

He wink before helping her up. 

"I like you too..."
He finally confess
thoroughly and
Y/N couldn't help
but tease him one last time.

"Oh I know that you do..."
A blush crept upon
his face again and
Jisung just push
her into the house.

"Stop teasing me
and give me cuddles
for all the times
you've hurt me---"


"I said cuddle meh!"
He yells. Y/N face palm
at his sudden change of character.

"If I knew how you would
react then I would've
dumped you at the
porch already---"

"Love me, Y/N!"
He demands and
she burst into laughter. 

"God, you're so freaking cute~" 

Who would've knew

that a small shock of a
rubber band could be a
replacement of a
cupid's arrow.  <3



The End!

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Sorry if it seems rushed but this was in my drafts for over a year.

Oh god I just realized that this book seems to fit for Valentine's day! Whoops---

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