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A few weeks went by again
but the two of them
weren't talking anymore. 

Everyone thought
that maybe they were
just busy and not hanging
out anymore but turns
out the two of them
were avoiding one another. 

Chan was the first one
to noticed and he decided
to investigate the
situation himself. 

A Saturday morning
came when Jisung
heard his doorbell rang.
Getting up to check on his
visitor early in the morning
he threw the door open,
revealing Bang Chan 
and the rest of his friends.

"Good morning, Fool!"
Minho was the first to yell. 

They all barged in
as if the place was theirs,
knocking Jisung
back into reality.

"What are you guys doing here?"
He was lost and confused.

"Ah well, you know, 
we're here to discuss
about a certain love affair."
Seungmin eyes
Chan and Jisung. 

"To get to the point
I would like to know
how did Y/N's confession
go that she started crying?"
Chan cuts them all
off with the main thing. 

"What confession?"
Jisung was puzzled
for a second.
"There was no confession.
There was just an argument...."
His voice trails off
and his eyes widen.

Did he fucked up his chance again? 

"You see that face?
It's called the
'I-fucked-up-big-time' face."
Minho joke and the
others snickers. 

Woojin glares for the
rest to shut their mouth.
Jisung covers his mouth in shock. 

"It was this moment
that Jisung knew...
He fucked up."
A deep voice broke
through the silence again
and Hyunjin immediately
reaches out to give
Felix a high five. 

Everyone begin
laughing again like before. 

"Chan what should I do?"
Jisung panick.
He was going all over the place now. 

"I just burst in front
of her and didn't know
what else was going
on but before I could realize it
we were already yelling at
one another like a cheated
 couple or something!" 

The blonde hair boy
ruffles his hair in frustration.
"What should I do?"
He cries to himself. 

Chan sighs before
yanking Jisung back to reality.

"Go apologize.
I don't care who's fault is it.
You gave her your
chance now go finish it."

Jisung stare back
into Chan's dark orbs and nodded. 

He quickly got dressed
but before he could
run out the door
he turns to Chan one last time,

"Hey Chan?" Chan turns to look at him.

"Thank you for always
looking out for me.
Maybe Y/N was right.
I can be an asshole sometimes."

"No problem.
Oh and don't forget these!" 

Jisung turns around
and a packet was
thrown into his hands. 

A bag of red rubber bands. 

"Use your magic." He wink.

Jisung smiles and quickly
he head out to find you.

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