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"Bruh, did I not hit
you hard enough
with my rubber
bands or what?"
Jisung made a face
of disappointment.

The next morning
had arrived and
the two of them
were currently
sitting in the music
room waiting
for the boy of
her heart to arrive.

Y/N roll her eyes.
"Jisung stop
joking around---" 

"I'm not joking though."
He cuts her off
with a serious tone,
but Y/N didn't
pay him any attention. 

That was the thing
he wanted. 

Her attention. 

Right when he had
thought that maybe
he could finally get
her attention with
his dumb attempts
of shooting rubber bands
and making up cringe
worthy pick up lines
for her to notice his love
for her, his chance was
immediately taken
and her attention
was already on someone
else instead of him.

And nothing hurts more
than seeing your crush
love someone else...
especially when you
can see it clearly
and with proofs.

Hey, at least she's doing her job right.

Which is to crush his heart.

She is what she is.

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