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"I like you...Y/N."
Jisung mumbles
but it was enough
for the girl in front
of him to hear 
the confession. 

Her eyes widen
like before and
Jisung knew it. 

He saw it in his dreams
and now he was going
to see it in reality. 

Jisung quickly turns
to escape the suffocating
room but Y/N had
already stopped him
with a light tug
on his jacket from behind.

"You remember when
I said that I don't
like Chan?"
She tries to make him
remember and he nodded. 

"Of course I knew
you were lying."
Jisung laughs through
the trickle of tears. 

The two of them
weren't looking into
each other's eyes.

Y/N sighs and slowly
she press herself
against his back. 

Jisung's breath hitch
and Y/N slides her arms
around his waist to
hug him from behind.

"I'm sorry...
I lied to you about that."
She giggle and Jisung hum.

"If it will make you
feel any better..."
Her voice trail off and Jisung hum again.

"I declines his confession
this morning.
I didn't want to
date him anymore."

Jisung broke off the hug and shook her by the shoulders.

"Y/N you don't just go
and hang with a guy
and then tell his friends
that you like him and
then they all help you
but then you tell them
that you don't want to
date him anymore.
Not only do you crush
somebody else's heart
but also the boy you
try to get with
because you basically
 just played him----"

Jisung bursts in front of her making her bite back her shocking tears of guilt. 

"It's because you started it---"

"Oh because I started it?
Why don't you tell me
what did I start that
made you so mad
and crazy into tears
now, huh?"

"Jisung why are
you such an ass---"

"Oh why am I like this?
Well guess what?
I not only see you
play with me
but also my best friend
who was damn in
love with you---"

"Stop cutting me off---"

"You know what!
I'll take the blame
since I was the one
who put myself into
this myself. If I didn't give
myself a chance to
approach you then
maybe you and
Chan would've gotten
together by now." 

He huffs and walk out
leaving Y/N hanging with tears.

The poor girl broke
down into a water fall
of mixed feelings along
with built up frustrations. 

"I was going to
tell you that I like you..."

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