GabeNath Muddy Surprise

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It was a beautiful day in Paris,France and at the Agreste Mansion Nathalie and Gabriel Agreste were getting ready for the day. "Hey Gabe, can we go on a walk later?" Nathalie asked her husband of 5 years. "That sounds amazing my beautiful Peahen" He said lovingly.

As the day went on Nathalie was getting more and more excited about her and Gabriel's walk. It was finally time to go on their walk and Nathalie had planned to get Gabriel very muddy. "Are you ready to go on our walk my dear Mayura? I figured we could bring a picnic with us and maybe find some place to swim too." Gabriel asked Nathalie looking just as excited as she was.

They finally started their walk and found a mud pit deep in the forest that also had a Lake close to it. Nathalie got behind Gabriel and pushed him in the mud before bursting into bird-like laughs. "G-Gabe, your face, it's hilarious. You're my Muddy butterfly now." She laughs loudly before getting pulled into the mud with Gabriel. They both start laughing and having a great time. Gabriel decided that he was going to dunk Nathalie under the mud. Gabriel smirked as Nathalie looked worried. "W-What are you planning Gabe?" Nathalie asked a little scared. Gabriel just smirked before he grabbed Nathalie and kissed her before going under the mud. When they came back up Nathalie was panting softly looking very muddy. "I love you my Muddy Peacock!!" Gabriel smiled softly. "I love you too my Muddy Butterfly."

It was starting to get late and Nathalie was starting to get hungry. Gabriel didn't know it yet but Nathalie had a big wonderful secret that she wanted to tell him. "Gabriel, I need to tell you something." Nathalie said nervously. "You can tell me Nat. So please don't be shy my Nathalie" Gabriel said gently holding Nathalie close and smiled, for once in a very long time, he felt really happy. "Sweetheart......I-I'm pregnant......." Nathalie finally stutters out with a smile,Gabriel's eyes widen in shock and happiness. Gabriel immediately hugs Nathalie with love in his eyes. "I'm so happy, my little peacock." Gabriel says patting her head and looking ready to cry. "So am I, honey. I can't wait to have this baby with you, my butterfly." Nathalie said as she started crying tears of joy.

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