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The big screen was bright in the dark room, advertisements and trailers played while the customers came in through the doors.
Dib had planned to come early, so they had enough time to pick out a good set of seats. Dib and Zim agreed to sit at the back corner, which Dib claimed as the best seats for a movie.

Zim's plate of nachos was nearly empty, having eaten most of them during the previews. Zim's eyes were glued to the screen; Dib's weren't.

As much as Dib didn't want to, he couldn't stop pondering about- well, he wasn't even sure what he was so busy thinking about. It was a mess. His future, jobs, school, his nonexistent social life- and embarrassingly enough, he couldn't stop his mind from trailing to Zim- what would've happened if he kept pushing Zim away? If he went with his original plan? Would Zim still try to talk to him? Would he try to take over their planet now that he doesn't have him stopping him? Would Zim even try to take over?

Zim ate his few last nachos and leaned forward when the movie began.
After being glued to the screen for a good twenty minutes, he felt a little out of place. A little lonely, even. He took a quick look over at Dib, wondering why the boy wasn't being as annoying as usual. Zim expected Dib to have been excited about the movie- talking throughout it, adding comments about the movie. To his surprise, Dib wasn't even looking at the screen.
Zim frowned.

Is Dib not enjoying the movie? Is it because I'm here...? Psh- of course not! He wanted to come along with me- right? He isn't even looking at the screen though- ugh, that Dib. Maybe...maybe he's regretting his decision? It looks like he wants to leave-

"Dib? Why aren't you watching the movie?", the alien whispered, leaning towards the taller boy.
Dib didn't even budge, though. His eyebrows just knitted together in concentration to who knows what he was so deep thinking about.
Zim sighed and poked the other, hoping to get Dib's attention this time.
He did, to his luck. Dib shook his head as if getting rid of his thoughts, and turned to look at Zim, "uh- sorry, I spaced out- hey, you want me to buy you something to eat-? You finished all your nachos already and the movie seems to have barely started"
Zim scrunched his eyebrows, feeling somewhat ignored.
"What were you thinking about? I thought you wanted to watch the movie?"

Dib was caught off guard by the questions, expecting Zim to simply shrug off the fact that Dib was busy thinking about other things than the movie. Dib lost eye contact, feeling embarrassed with the lack of response he was giving. After a solid few seconds, Dib shrugged hesitantly, afraid of how Zim would react to what was actually keeping him busy, so he decided to keep it a secret. It wasn't that important anymore, right?
"I don't know, Zim. My mind just kinda drifted off-"

"Drifted off to what?"

Dib huffed now, irritation catching up to his patience. Zim was leaning way too close to him, his face of curiosity and what seemed to be cautiousness only a few inches away from Dib's.
"Why do you want to know, anyways?"
Dib asked, a bite catching to his tone. He didn't mean to sound so angry, but gosh why was Zim being so nosy right now?
Zim's eyebrows scrunched up more, the response he got was obviously something he didn't appreciate. Zim leaned back the smallest amount and his frown deepened, "what is it that you're trying to keep away from me? I thought we were getting closer? Do- do you even want that-?"

A pit of guilt sunk into Dib's stomach when he heard actual hurt coming from Zim's voice. A fleeting image of his last journal entry flashed in his mind- about how he wanted to leave Zim, forever forget about the little alien.
"Zim...I- yes, I want to get closer. I just...I'm unsure of a lot of things. I don't know how everything will turn out. This really isn't how I planned out my life, and now a lot of things are changing. I didn't...I didn't know I would be talking to you at all, Zim"

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