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Dib payed for his and his companion's ticket and the two were now making it into the building. Dib's eyes roamed around the snacks, trying to find something to eat while he watched the movie. Zim on the other hand had most of his attention on the building itself- his eyes taking in the multiple doors and posters plastered on the walls. The air conditioner in the place let out a nice cool breeze, something Dib was appreciative about because currently his nerves were making it a little hot and stuffy.

Zim shuttered when he felt the cold air, wrapping his arms around himself with a small scowl. Dib took notice and just to be kind he asked, "are you cold?"

Zim scoffed, "no, human, I am not cold. It is kinda chilly- but I'm fine". Despite his claim, Zim kept hugging himself, obviously for warmth.
Dib decided not to ask again- Zim seemed to be as stubborn as always.
"So do you want anything to eat-? I know you don't really like food, but y'know maybe you'll like something here? You like candy, right?", Dib asked, hands in his jacket's pockets. No matter how odd it may look, he still wore the same style of jacket he did as when he was younger. It suited him, and he found it hard to give up his style for something more casual.
Zim hummed in thought, squinting his eyes towards the rows of candy bags and the icee machines, not finding much of a craving for such things. Then his eyes caught the nachos. He perked up, a huge smile now on his lips, "oh, I like nachos!!"

Dib suddenly found it more hot and stuffy.
His stomach flipped as he stared at Zim, who was smiling at him with delight and pointing at the nacho cheese machine with his gloved hands.

He wouldn't admit it, but Dib felt somewhat attracted to Zim's smile. Specifically the one he was sporting right now. It was pure- something Zim rarely ever seems to be. Dib also found it cute- just the slightest- that Zim would react so happily over something as simple as nachos.

He looked away from Zim, feeling incredibly weird and uncomfortable for thinking such a way for the alien, and coughed awkwardly, "s-sure! Nachos. We'll get nachos!"
Almost too quickly he made his way to the line of people who were waiting to order and buy their snacks. Zim happily walked next to the boy, a satisfied smile still on his lips.

Dib glanced down at him for a fleeting moment, and just as quickly he looked away.
He wanted to slap himself in the face.

Why would I ever think Zim is cute? What the fuck. Zim is an alien! Who has tried to kill me before, more than once. What the hell is wrong with me? And I'm not gay- I've never felt this way over anyone. At least not towards any males- what would my dad think!? Is he even okay with gay people-? Even if he was, he wouldn't be okay with someone dating a damn alien! He doesn't even believe in aliens!! What if-

"-um, what will it be for you? Are you okay...?"
Dib blinked, realizing he had spaced out and to his embarrassment was now at the front of the line. The worker in front of him had a confused expression, looking somewhat concerned. She looked to be around his own age- was she from his school?? Heat rose up to his face, turning a deep shade of red. He really hoped she didn't go to his school.
"Oh sh-shi- sorry! I spaced out- haha- Uh yes I'll get nachos, please? Make that for two?"
She gave him a soft smile and a nod, "alright, two nachos coming up". While she served them their nachos, Dib looked to his side to find that Zim wasn't even next to him anymore! He let out a quiet gasp and looked about, eyes searching for the green alien.
He let out a relieved sigh when he spotted the other at the corner of the room, playing with the ketchup dispenser with a curious look on his face. An old lady next to Zim stared at him with a concerned expression.

Dib chuckled at the scene. Who knew Zim could be so innocent? For most of his life Dib feared the alien, but at times like these Zim seemed too clueless to be menacing.
A girly giggle brought him out of his thoughts. The worker was again in front of him, nachos ready and all. She was also laughing at what Zim was doing, using one of her hands to cover up her laughter.
While she was calculating the money owed on the cashier, she sent a smile up at Dib, "your laugh is pretty cute"

Dib coughed in surprise, in which she giggled at. "Oh- ah, thank you- your laugh, it's p-pretty nice too"
Fuck. Dib winced at how awkward he sounded, being caught so off guard by a compliment got him feeling embarrassed. The girl didn't seem to mind though, and she smiled with a light tint on her cheeks, "thank you. Oh! Uh the nachos will be $9.50"

Dib payed and got his change in return, giving her a quick thank you. He was trying to rush, feeling too flustered to stay at the same spot. She nodded and shot him another warm smile.

"Oh hey, Dib! Are the nachos done??"
Dib nodded slowly, still a little dazed by his earlier interaction. Was she flirting with him?
Zim took notice of Dib's unusual response and frowned, "what's wrong?"

"H-huh? Oh nothing- just, one of the workers. I think she was flirting with me??"
Zim raised an eyebrow, "flirting?"

Dib gave him his nachos and nodded, realizing that Zim probably wasn't aware what flirting even was, "yeah, flirting. It's like when a person likes you and like you try to, i don't know, get them to like you back? But like, in a romantic way?? Not exactly very romantic but- ugh I don't know. Basically it's something people do when they wanna date someone"

Zim furrowed his eyebrows, staring down at his nachos. "Oh? And... she wants to date you? you wanna date her-?"

Dib shrugged, biting the inside of his mouth. After thinking about it for a moment he responded, "I don't know? I mean I don't know her well, she seems nice and all but I have to know her better first. I barely have any experience with that sort of stuff, anyway. So...probably not."
Zim continued to stare down at his nachos, looking confused and deep in thought. Then he spoke up, "I don't know what a date is"

Dib stared at Zim with a shocking look, "what? I thought you would know what that was at least. do irkens even date?"
Zim shrugged, "how am I supposed to know if I don't even know what that dumb thing is??"

Dib hummed, "a date is like...usually it's between two people, and they go out to do stuff. It can be like to a pool, to dinner, to the beach, to the movies, stuff like that"

Zim looked up suddenly, eyes wide, "are we on a date??"

"Wha- no! I don't think so- well a date is- they're between people with a romantic relationship, y-yknow? We're- we're just friends-"

"Oh" Zim quietly said, "I get it I think. Hm. Whatever, that's dumb. Let's go watch the movie, Zim is getting a little impatient."
Dib laughed and nodded, "alright, Zim."

(Word count: 1,276
A/N: EYY woah someone flirting with Dib?? That's crazy LMAO. Anyways COMMENTS ARE VERY APPRECIATED. I love knowing what you guys think of my stories :D I feel like I'm making the pace too quick??)

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