I kinda forgot about needing somewhere to stay?

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Y/n POV.

Eventually the plane landed in Australia. I collected my bags and made my way to the pick up.

I looked around to try and find hoppy but my short height didn't exactly help too much. Eventually after what felt like ages I spotted a bright blue shirt and made my way over to it.

I grinned when I saw Hoppo standing there with a sign that had my name on it. I made my way to him and gave him a hug hello.

" Hey y/n, let me grab that bag of yours." Hoppo asked

" You sure? I can take it." I replied... he had already come to pick me up. No need to have him take my luggage too!

"Nah here let me take it" Hoppo insisted and I just gave up laughing.

" Okay Okay here ya go. " I handed him the bag and we made our way out the airport.

We reached his car and after putting my bags in the boot we hopped in and hoppo started driving out the airport parking lot.

We were just talking about the flight over and about the beach and he asked if I surf. I replied that I do but I'm not that good at it.

He chuckled before asking " Do you mind if we go to the beach on the way? I want to give you a bit of a tour before I take you home."

" Oh yes of course I'd love a little tour." I reply with a smile. Hoppo is really kind.

"Y/n...y/n!" I snap back to reality only to notice I was staring at Hoppo.

"Yes sorry!" I reply turning away as I feel my cheeks going red like a tomato.

I hear Hoppo chuckle again as he notices my change of colour.

We pull up to the beach and hop out the car. We make our way to the Lifeguard tower and Hoppo shows me around the tower teaching me how to administer the whistle and how the defib works.

Afterwards Hoppo suggests a walk along the water. I take my shoes off so that I'm just in my shorts and singlet. We walk along as the sun starts to go down. We talk as we walk and I start laughing at something Hoppo said.

All of a sudden I gasp as I realise something. I don't have a place to stay!

A/n stay gold guys. Next chapter will reveal a bit more... and maybe a POV change.

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