You and your child surprise her on tour

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Sophia clutched your hand in her much smaller one as you got seated on the plane. "How much longer?" The five-year-old asked excitedly, unable to contain how much she's looking forward to seeing Demi again. "About five hours." She whined and you laughed and ran a hand through her hair.

She stayed awake for an hour before she ended up falling asleep. It gave you a moment to yourself to really let it all sink in that in just a few hours you'll be seeing your fiancee again. It's been a little over two months since you last saw her and miss her more than you can say.

But what encouraged you to take this surprise trip is Sophia. It's never easy when Demi goes on tour, and this time it was much harder for some reason. Sophia stayed attached to Demi till the very last second before she left and since that day your little girl cries a lot, always keeping that little stuffed elephant that Demi got for her clutched to her chest everywhere she goes. She never lets it out of her sight.

And you can't complain about a surprise visit. You miss Demi, too. You're a little better at handling her being gone but you still miss her. You looked at Sophia who was curled up on her seat with her head on her shoulder with, of course, the little elephant against her cheek. It was the sweetest sight.

The plane landed a few hours later. You rubbed Sophia's back and slowly pulled her out of her sleep. "C'mon, honey." Normally she'd insist on walking beside you and holding your hand but she was too sleepy to now, so she just held her arms out for you to carry her. You picked her up and walked into the airport with her on your hip. You grabbed both your bags and got a taxi to take you to the venue that was about twenty minutes away.

Your anticipation was making your hands shake a little as you pulled up to the venue. You tipped the driver and grabbed ahold of Sophia's hand and took your things before you got out. "You ready?" Sophia was excitedly bouncing on her feet. "Yeah!"

She held your hand as you walked down the hallway to Demi's dressing room. You stood right in front of the door and picked up Sophia in your arms, telling her to knock on the door. "Just a second!" The little girl gasped when she heard Demi's voice. The door opened just a moment later and Demi stood there in shock for a moment, until Sophia's voice crying out for her caught her attention.

She reached out for Demi with tears in her eyes. "Oh, Soph" Demi cooed and pulled her in her arms as the small girl wrapped her arms around her neck. Demi looked at you and smiled before she leaned in to give you a kiss - the first one you've shared in months.

"Come in" she smiled and gently tugged on your arm to pull you inside so she could close the door. "I can't believe you're really here right now, she said, in awe that her favorite girls were back by her side. "How long do I have you both here for?" She kissed your cheek softly and stared down at the sleepy girl in her arms. "A couple of weeks." Demi grinned at you and brushed her lips delicately over Sophia's head. "I'm so excited to have my girls here. I love you both so much and I've missed you like crazy."

"We've missed you too, especially Sophia. She hasn't been the same since you left." Demi held the little girl close to her chest. looking down at her she saw that she'd fallen asleep, but she was still refusing to let go. She saw the little stuffed elephant in her arms and it made her grin. "She never lets go of it."

Demi kissed the top of her head. "I'm never gonna let her go while she's here. I love you. Thanks for giving me the best surprise ever." She kissed you softly and smiled against your lips. "I love you too. I'm so happy we're here with you."

Demi Lovato Miniseries - COMPLETED Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang