"I'll still be here"

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It's been the same routine for the past hour. Demi would tuck Sophia in for bed only for her to knock on the door to say she can't sleep.

Demi thought Sophia was finally settled in for the night though so she turned on a movie for you both to watch, only for a gentle knock on the door to interrupt a few minutes later.

Demi sighed and got out of bed. She opened the door and picked Sophia up, pressing some kisses to her cheek which made the small girl squirm as she giggled. "What's wrong now, baby?"

"There's a monster in my closet!" Demi sat Sophia down on her bed and opened the door to her closet. She looked around very carefully and checked through every small crack and crevice. "Honey there's nothing there." Sophia looked down at the teddy bear in her lap. "I meant under my bed..." she tried to play it off, wanting Demi to stay in there longer.

So Demi lifted up the skirt around Sophia's bed and looked under it. "There's nothing here either, sweetie." Demi sat down on Sophia's bed and ran her hand through Sophia's hair. She was a mini you, every freckle and every smile mirrored yours, and Demi thought it was the cutest thing.

"Can we go see mommy?" Demi tried to hide her smirk from Sophia, the little girl seemed so keen to find anything she could just to stay awake a little longer, a habit you didn't want Sophia to develop at only four years old. "You'll see your mommy in the morning. It's bedtime now."

Sophia shook her head and Demi sighed. "Sophia, honey, what's going on? Don't you wanna go to sleep? You were tired just a little while ago." Sophia looked at Demi with sad eyes and she shrugged her small shoulders. "Sweetie tell me what's wrong."

"You'll still be here when I wake up, right, mommy?" Demi felt a wave of sadness come over her. She just got back home from tour a few days ago after being gone for two months and although it didn't seem like long to many people, to a four year old it feels like an eternity, especially considering Sophia and Demi have a special bond.

"Of course I will. I'm not going anywhere for awhile." Sophia's bottom lip trembled and Demi quickly moved closer to her. She pulled Sophia in her arms and rubbed her back up and down, doing anything she could to keep the little girl from crying. "Don't cry, honey. I'm right here. I'll still be right here when you wake up." Sophia rolled over on her back and hugged her teddy bear close to her chest while she held Demi's hand in her other.

Sophia's eyes started to close and she didn't fight them this time around. Demi realized then just how much love she has for that little girl; how all she needed was that reassurance that she'll still be there come morning, because she needs her there.

Demi pressed her lips to Sophia's forehead and smiled as she ran her fingers through her hair. But she didn't let go of her hand and she didn't leave. Instead, she laid back down and listened the sound of Sophia's soft breathing.

It was a while later and Demi had yet to come back to bed. So you got out of bed and walked across the hall to Sophia's room and the sight that awaited you made your heart melt. They were both asleep and Sophia had managed to move around without either of them stirring awake so she could lay in Demi's secure arms.

"Goodnight, my loves" you whispered softly and turned off the light before going back to your bed. Although you hate the empty feeling in your arms, your heart felt full and that was all that you needed for the night.

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