never grow up - part two (requested)

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You rolled over in your half awake and half asleep state, expecting to bump into Demi and have her wrap her arms around you but all you felt were cool and empty sheets.

"Demi?" you mumbled as you sat up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. You flicked the lamp on but didn't see her anywhere in the room. You turned the lamp back off and went out of the room to go look for her.

You were gonna check downstairs first until you saw Sophia's light on and her door open.

The sight you were met with when you reached the doorway was one that made your heart swell. Demi was sleeping on the bed with Sophia pulled to her chest. Her lips slightly parted with her arms around the small girl.

You smiled to yourself and quietly patted inside. The blanket was too small to cover them both. you reached over the rocking chair that sat by the bookcase and grabbed the blanket that was hung across the back. You put it over Demi and made sure she was warm.

She made a couple of noises in her sleep but didn't wake up. You moved your attention to Sophia. You kissed her forehead and brushed your fingers through her hair. The braid she had her hair in was slipping out from moving around on the bed. You smiled at how precious she looked.

You listened to her soft breaths and made sure her blanket was wrapped around her to keep her safe and warm.

You couldn't help but rest your hand on top of Demi's that was draped around Sophia's stomach. Her eyes opened when she felt your warmth on her skin. "Y/n?" She whispered tiredly. "Shh. Yeah, it's me. It's okay." She intertwined her fingers with yours and smiled sleepily.

"I should go back to bed." Demi opened her eyes, fighting hard not to close them. "Want me to come with you?" you shook your head and tiptoed back to her side of Sophia's bed. 'No. you stay here with Soph, she's comfy and clearly feels safe with you there right now. I'll be okay for a few more hours of sleep alone."

She put her hand on your chin and pulled you in for a little kiss. "Okay. I love you. You sleep well. if you need me, come get me." She said and closed her eyes before snuggling back up to Sophia.

You made sure to kiss Sophia's head a couple of times before going to leave the room. you turned back around once more, your heart feeling so full because of your girls. "I love you both so much" you whispered softly and turned off the light. you closed the door quietly and went back into your room.

The bed felt a little less comfortable without Demi, but your little girl clearly needed her more than you did tonight and you knew you'd be just fine without her for a few more hours.

You laid back down and pulled the blankets back over your legs and closed your eyes, falling asleep with a smile on your face.

Demi Lovato Miniseries - COMPLETED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora