Ch. 7 The Devil is a Part-Timer!

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(Yay! X3 btw, I do not own any of the characters from The Devil is a Part-Timer!)


It's been a few days since I brought back Creepy Pasta and the Winchesters. Rin has recovered and right now we're in Tokyo, in another dimension of course. Me and Rin are currently going to MgRonald's to see Satan. "So.... You're telling me that my dad works here," Rin asks while sweatdropping at the sight of the MgRonald's, "As a part-timer?" "Yep! Now come on Rin!!!"

Grabbing Rin's hand I pull him into the place. As soon as we enter we hear a male and a female say, "Welcome!" There's a tall male with red eyes and dark green hair, next to him is a short girl that looks to be about 16 with short light auburn hair and amber eyes. The male smiles and motions for me and Rin to come over, "How may I help you today?"

Putting my hands on my hips I say in Latin because I know he can understand me, "Satan, oportet dicere, in lucem exire." (Translation: Satan, we need to talk, come out on your break.) With that I grab Rin and pull him out knowing that Sadao aka Satan is staring after us looking both confused, horrified, and interested.

Going around back I sit on his bike, Rin looks at me, "Was that man you just talked to Satan?" "Mhm, but here his name is Sadao, so call him by that ok?" "Ya ya...."

~With Sadao and Chiho~

After Ayano and Rin leave Sadao and Chiho stand there for a few moments in silence. Sadao racks his brain trying to figure out who the black and blue haired girl was, cause he knows he's seen her before. He's interrupted by Chiho turning on him looking mad, "Who was that Mr. Maou, she seemed really pretty...."

Startled by the sudden question Sadao tries to find an answer, coming up with nothing he sighs, "I don't know Chiho, she looks familiar but I can't remember where I've met her before... But they guy that was with her was radiating with demonic power. I think he's a demon, but I don't recognize him at all." Suddenly he turns on his heels and starts walking to the back, "Chiho, I'm taking a break, cover for me." "W-Wait Mr. Maou!" It's too late, he's already gone. Chiho sighs and turns back, "Please be careful Mr. Maou."

~Back to Rin and Aya~


It doesn't take Sadao long to come outside when he does he turns to Ayano, "Who are you? You seem familiar but I can't put my finger on it..." Aya just laughs and smiles, "Think Demon Lord, I'm sure Alsiel and Lucifer will remember me just by seeing me in my human form." When she says Lucifer I growl and grit my teeth, "Calm down Rin, I know you don't like Lucifer at the moment, but you have no ill-will with this one."

Sadao just looks confused, "Wha-" I cut him off, "Come on, this is just a waste of time! Let's go!" I grab her arm and start to pull her away, as I turn the corner I hear Ayano call out to Sadao, "We'll meet you at your home Sadao! Don't be late coming home from work!!! Oh and bring the hero Emilia too!!"

Before he can answer Aya has teleported us to the place Sadao stays. It's a run down house... "This is where he lives?" "Mhm." Aya climbs the stairs and is inside before I can so much as blink. Huffing I climb the stairs and find her standing at a door, seeing me she knocks. From inside we hear someone say, "One moment!"

A few moments later a male with brown eyes and blonde hair opens the door, "Yes wh- My lady?!" Raising an eyebrow I look at Aya as the male bows, "Hi Alsiel, may me and my companion come in?" "Of course! Hanzō clean up your mess! We have a special guest!!!" "Shut up old man."

Aya walks into the room, "Now Lucifer, is that anyway to treat your fellow demon?" Stepping around Aya I see a teen that looks to be about 18, with long purple hair and purple eyes. Upon seeing Ayano he stiffens and scurries to get his mess cleaned up, which is really big... I raise an eyebrow once more and look at Ayano, "Who exactly are you to them?"

"My uncle is Hades, he basically rules over them, so they fear/love me~" Alsiel sets up two spots at a table and motions for us to sit, "I didn't know you would be visiting today, what brings you here?" Aya sits and I sit next to her placing my sword across the table. "I came to ask for your help, but it seems that Satan doesn't remember me."

To my surprise Ayano starts to tear up and her voice cracks when she says that Sadao doesn't remember her, she pulls a handkerchief from her chest- 'Wait, when did that get there? Why am I even thinking this?!' And pretends to cry into it. Alsiel and Lucifer both pat her back and try to encourage her even though I'm sure she's just faking.

A few minutes later Sadao opens the door with the girl named Chiho and another girl with long red hair and green eyes behind him. Before Sadao can say anything Alsiel is on him in five seconds flat, "How dare you forget her sire!!! She is a very important person, and how dare you make her cry!" Sadao looks horrified, "B-But who IS she?!"

Lucifer is up now looking mad, and dramatically points at Ayano who is still fake crying, "She is Ayano, the niece of Hades!" Sadao's face flashes with recognition and he hugs Aya, "I'm sorry, please forgive me!" Aya erupts in laughter and stops "crying." "I was never sad, I faked crying to get them to remind you of who I am."

They all face palm. Getting up and dusting her pants off Ayano points at Sadao's face startling him, "Let's see if you've gone soft while living here Satan! Cause if you're gonna help us fight another version of yourself you need to temporarily go back to your rutheless blood thirsty old self!" Sadao gulps, "O-Ok." Aya grins evilly, "Great~"

With that we all appear in a large open field, Sadao's body trembles before he gets taller, and waaaaaay buffer with two horns, one's broken and bull legs. Aya summons a scythe and she's wearing full body armor with various colors swirling around on the surface. She twirls it and holds it so the handle is going down her back and the blade is curving around her leg up towards her face, "Don't show me any mercy Satan."

He nods and they begin to fight.

~After the fight~

Aya is standing with me, and Emilia the hero outside of Sadao's house. It's been an hour since Sadao and Ayano fought. It ended in a tie. Sadao, Alsiel, and Lucifer come down with their things, and Chiho following behind them. Raven had already gotten Emilia's friends and they're waiting at camp. Aya glances up upon seeing Chiho, "What are you doing here? You aren't coming with us."

Chiho pouts, "Yes I am! Mr. Maou may need my help, so I'm going with!" Aya sighs and her mask comes back on and she bend over until she's in Chiho's face, "You don't get it do you little girl? We're fighting a WAR here. Not some pretend game, a WAR, people will DIE. If you want to help Sadao I suggest you stay here so he doesn't have to worry about protecting you." Chiho opens her mouth to protest when Aya cuts her off, "The Satan we're going to fight is evil, he shows no mercy and will kill anyone who gets in his way. He posses people and they're body lasts 5 maybe 10 minutes. If you're lucky someone will kill you before Satan does. I'll already be using up a lot of my power protecting everyone in our army from Satan so he can't possess any of them, I don't need a little girl who can't fight demons getting anyone killed, there's already a lot of good people who are probably going to die during this war. So shut up, and go home. You'll be doing us all a favor by staying out of our way."

Turning on her heels Ayano opens a portal and walks through. I turn to Chiho and smile apologetically, "I'm sorry Chiho, but she's right... I don't want to see anyone else die...." With that I go through the portal, the others following shortly after. Sadao sighs, "Chiho's going to be pissed when I get back...." Lucifer grumbles, "Everything Ayano said is true though."

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