Ch. 3 Alchemists

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(I do not own any of the Characters from FMA or the Pic)

~Aya's POV~

Upon leaving the portal I giggle and stretch. "Mmmmm! It's been forever since I've been here!" Rin turns to me confused, where exactly IS 'here' Ayano?" Smiling I run ahead of Percy, Jason, and Rin, spreading my arms out I spin causing my outfit to change as I spin, "This is where we shall find the one of the Alchemists we are searching for! The name of this town is Resembool, in the country Amestris!" Jason looks confused, "Um, Aya, that country doesn't exist.... No one has ever heard of it." "That's because we're in a different dimension silly!" As I say that Percy exclaims, "AYANO YOUR LEG AND ARM!!!!"

Glancing down I notice that my left arm and right leg are disappearing, shaking my head while laughing I snap my fingers and the missing limbs are replaced with automail. "It's ok Nii-san, they'll come back later, Truth just took them for a little bit as my price for allowin us to pass through the gate into this world, when we leave they'll return. Now, let's go boys! It's been a while since I've seen my dear friend the Fullmetal Alchemist! I'm sure he should be here by now~ He is getting his automail repaired." Flexing my automail fingers I readjust the skirt of my Lolita outfit, I got it from Erza Scarlet when I visited her to practice my fighting.

"DOES THE SKIRT HAVE TO BE THAT SHORT AYA?!" Turning I glane back at Percy, "It's not that short Nii-chan, now stop complaining and come ON!" Without waiting for a reply I grab Rin's hand and run off towards Rockbell Automail. "PINAKO!!!!! WIIIIIINNNNRRRRRYYYYYYY!!!" As I get closer to the house I see an old lady and a blonde teenager appear on the deck, the gir recognizes me and gasps, "AYANO!!! IT'S BEEN FAR TOO LONG!!" Giggling I wave at Winry and Pinako with my right hand since my automail hand is holding onto Rin's. When we get up onto the deck Winry almost tackles me to the ground in a bear hug, "Oh I've missed you Aya!" Hugging her back I smile, "I've missed you to Winry. Oh!" Pulling away I push the boys in front of me, pointing to each of them I introduce them, "This is Rin Okumura, Jason Grace, and my brother Percy Jackson!" Winry smiles and puts her hand on her hip, "Nice to meet you all, I'm Winry Rockbell, this is my grandma Pinako Rockbell." Remembering why we're here I grab both of Winry's hands in mine, "WINRY! ARE THE ELRIC BROTHERS HERE?! I NEED TO TALK TO ED NOW!!!!"

Wincing cause I basically just yelled in her face, Winry nods, "Ya, Ed just got his automail put back in... And....." She trails off as she finally notices that my left hand is automail, "Ayano! What happened to your hand?" Pulling up my sleeve she gasps when she sees it's all automail, "My right leg is also automail, just like Ed's except the opposite, but the explanation isn't important at the moment Win!" Yanking away from her I run inside, I make it into the hallway before bumping into something hard and cold. "OOF!" "AH! SORRY, I'M SO- Ayano?" Looking up at who I hit I'm met with two red orbs inside of a helmet, "Alphonse! Where's your brother?" Alphonse points back to one of the rooms, "In there, wh-" "THANKS AL!" Jumping over him I kick open the door with my automail leg, "EDWARD ELRIC WHERE THE BLOODY HADES ARE YOU?!" Ed jumps and falls out of bed at my sudden entrance.

"DAMNIT AYANO DON'T DO THAT!" Rolling my eyes I go over to him and fall to my knees, bowing, "Please help me Edward!! I'm begging you!!! Help me defeat this person!" Feeling cold metal touch my face I look up to stare into golden eyes, Ed smiles gently down at me, "Of course I'll help, who's the person?" Grinning I pull him up and into the living room where everyone else is. Percy looks at me, "That's Edward Elric the Fullmetal Alchemist? Damn Aya, he's shorter than you.... Please tell me you don't have a crush on him!" Giggling I hug Edward close cutting him off from his rant, "Of course I do Nii-chan, he's so adorable, kind, strong, and silly! But!" Dropping Ed I hold up a hand pointing to the ceiling, "That's beside the point! Now where's Armstrong?" "Right behind you Imaginative Alchemist!" Turning I'm met with a shirtless Armstrong and sparkles, "How may me, and my muscles," he poses and I sweatdrop, "assist you?" "Uuuuuuuhhh..... You can help me, Nii-chan, Jason, and Rin fight Satan?" "OF COURSE!" "Greeeeeaaaattttt..... Now to visit MUSTANG!!!!"

Ed shoots up at Mustang's name, "WHAT?! WHY DO YOU NEED HIS HELP?! I'M NOT GONNA HELP ANYMORE!" Sniffling, I tear up as Ed yells at me, "B-But, Edward, you promised you would... WAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!" Falling to my knees again, I bury my face in my hands and pretend to cry. After crying for about 2 minutes and listening to Winry, Alphonse, and Armstrong get on to Ed for making me "cry" I feel someone hug me. Glancing up I see a blushing Edward Elric hugging me, "F-Fine... I'll still help, just stop crying damnit..." "*Sniff* You swear on the River Styx to help me no matter what Ed?" "Ya, I swear on the River Styx that I'll help."


Opening a portal I throw all of them through, as I enter the portal I wave at Winry and Pinako, "Bye~ I'll try and bring back Edward in once piece Winry~"

After going through the portal I skip through the building until I get to Mustang's office, once I get there I enter without knocking. Roy looks up from his paperwork and smirks setting it down, "Hellow Ayano, Fullmetal, Armstrong, Alphonse, and others. What brings you here?" "Weeeeeeellllll~~~~" Leaning over the desk I bat my eyelashes, "I need a favor Roy." "What's the favor?" "I need help defeating Satan, and I need a big, strong, Alchemist like yourself to help me." Roy laughs, "Really? Trying to seduce me?" Sticking my tongue out at him I stand up putting my regular hand on my hip and pointing at Roy wiht my automail hand. "Listen here Musty, I've helped you out a lot. You also owe me TONS of favors so get your flame ass moving now before I tell Riza about where her gun went."


Smirking I open another portal, "You first Musty." Roy goes through mumbling, then I follow with the others humming. Rin and Ed are talking and laughing and I smile, glad that Rin hasn't lost hope and is trying to have some fun. Tapping my chin I think about where to go next.

"Hey Aya?" "Hmmmm?" Rin walks next to me, "How about we go back in time next? Can you call the Doctor?" The portal ends and we're back in Camp Half-Blood. When Rin mentions the Doctor I tense up and pale. "Aya? Aya, what's wrong?"

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