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(Hiiiiiiiiii!!!! SO! As mentioned in the previous update I'm making a bonus chapter that includes Ayano and Leon's adventure before they came and met up with Lucy, Rin, and Raven in the dinner! So this is basically Resident Evil 6 (spoilers) with a pregnant Greek goddess in it. XD oh the horrors that can be unfolded when you get that combo. I DO NOT OWN ANY RESIDENT EVIL 6 CHARACTERS, I ONLY OWN AYANO, HERCULES, COSMIC, LUCY, AND RAVEN WHO ARE MENTIONED EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE!!! And apologies if Leon is too OOC for y'all, luckily I play RE6 so he shouldn't be TOO OOC. But still. Anyways, this chapter will be long because it'll start out with Aya and Leon being split, and it shall be between their POVs until they get back together. So first Leon starts off until he meets up with Aya, then it'll go to Ayano's POV until she meets up with Leon and it'll switch whenever I want it to.)

~Leon's POV~

Smiling to myself I wrap my arms around Ayano's swollen stomach as she talks to one of the college students. 'Everything is going great. We just won a war and got married. Too bad we couldn't make it to Rin and Lucy's wedding. I feel kind of bad a bout it, but it couldn't be helped.' A girl in white shorts and a red shirt walks up, "Hi! I'm Liz, would you like me to show you around the campus Mr. And Mrs. Kennedy?" Aya smiles, "Sure! Come on Leon." She grabs my hand and we go to follow Liz when the president stops me. "Leon, we need to talk. Ayano, you go on with Liz."

Frowning I nod reluctantly. Hugging Aya close I kiss her forehead before kissing her swollen stomach, "You and the kids be careful ok?" She laughs, "Leon, I've been careful ever since I found out I was pregnant, and besides. I have a forcefield around my stomach just in case!" She winks and leaves with Liz. Turning I follow the president and someone else to a room and close the door.

-insert monologue here and something that causes the president to become a zombie because the opening cut scene doesn't really tell you what happened-

"Stay right where you are! Mr. President! Don't make me do this... Adam!" Gritting my teeth I shoot the president in the head saving Helena. As soon as I kill him I call Ayano worried, when I just get her voicemail I curse under my breath and hang up. Helena gets up and stares at the president, "It's all my fault.... I-I did this." "What're you talking about?" She turns and looks at me, "How do you know my name? And I am not leaving without my wife!" Both of our devices go off and I hold mine up to my ear. "Hunnigan?"

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