Ch. 5 Shadowhunters

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(Yaaaay! Shadowhunters time XD Taking place between City of Bones and City of Ashes. I'm sorry if Jace is OOC. Btw, just to make this clear: I do NOT own ANY of the characters I am using for chapters 1-10, except Ayano, Raven, Jenkins, and I'm pretty sure those are the only OCs I will be using... I'll tell you if I'm adding in a new OC)


When Aya tells me that they'll try to kill me, I sigh, "They'll have to get in line then... So, let's go." Instead of opening a portal or getting into the TARDIS Aya heads to the camp entrance. Adjusting my sword I follow her deciding to trust her instead of questioning her every move. We climb into a black car that's parked on the side of the road about 30 feet away from the camp entrance. When we climb into the car I notice that there's a skeleton in the driver's seat, 'Where have I seen this before?' There's another person in the car also. It's a girl in all black. I mean seriously, she's in black knee high boots, black skinny jeans, a black shirt with a black leather jacket on. She even had black hair! So I didn't recognize her until she turned her head and violet eyes stared into my blue ones. "Hello again Rin, Ayano." "Hi Raven!" "Raven?! Where have you been!?"

Raven rolls her eyes and takes off the black wig, causing her blue hair to fall down her back like a waterfall, "I was playing shadowhunter, making sure it was safe for you to come. And lucky you, they just got done messing around with Valentine, so Jace is in a sour mood~" Groaning I let my head hit the seat. "Damniiiiiiiiittttttt." "Do not worry Master Rin, Lady Raven and Lady Ayano will not let the boy harm you. So do not worry." "Thanks Jenkins. So where exactly are we going?"

The girls share a glance then say in perfect unison, "The Institute, which is in New York, New York." "Oh...." I glance out the window and watch the earth speed by.

I guess I must've fallen asleep because Aya is shaking me awake, "Rin.... RIN! Wake up, we're here!" Groaning I climb out of the car and stretch, "Oh ya?" "Mhm." Looking up I see an old run down churchy building, "Uuuuuhhhhh..... Are you sure this is the right place?" "Shimmer!" "What?" Aya releases an arrow which hits a barrier and the building gets larger and grander than before, "Shhhhhhiiiiiiiimmmmmmeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr." "It's actually a glamour but either way...." Raven walks ahead and Aya links her arm through mine and pulls me along. As we go I notice her clothes have changed, she's now in a dark brown skirt, with thigh high brown lace up boots, a black sleeveless shirt with what looks to be a brown corset over it, a loose brownish, green jacket with a hood, and brown arm cuffs, slung across her back are a bow and a quiver of arrows.

Humming she walks through the doors with Raven. Once inside I stare at the sheer beauty of the Institute. Laughing Raven snaps her fingers in front of my face, "Come on lover boy, don't get distracted, the sooner we get these Shadowhunters the closer we are to Lucy." When Lucy's name is mentioned I snap out of my daze and growl. "Also, keep your tail hidden." Yelping I feel my tail get shoved back into my pants, "OW! THAT HURT DAMNIT!" Raven just shrugs and walks off, "Come on, while you were distracted Aya wondered off with Church." "What?" "A blue cat that knows this place better than anyone."

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