Chapter 59: Eyes Open

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"The queen survived, but it will take a an hour for her to regain her consciousness. But she made it out alive, thank the gods above."

Aiden couldn't bottle up his happiness and relief once he heard the good news as he shakily smiled at Ingrid, "T-thank you. For saving my wife. She's my everything."

Ingrid smiled back, "I know she is. She's in there, breathing and waiting for you."

Aiden shuddered upon hearing the last sentiment, having heard about the tragic story of the orphaned medic. Ingrid had lost her parents when she was just a young girl, and her memory about it is still fresh. It was the evil cackles of the bandits that had attacked their village that still echoed in the medic's ears, the sound of a small blade unsheathing before her very own eyes and passing through the flesh of both her parents.

"Again, Ingrid, thank you. How can I ever repay you?"

Ingrid patted the fire king's back lightly, "I know how much she means to you, sire. I know she's your other half. And I don't like seeing other children losing a mother or a father. It's what I do best."


With that, Aiden stepped foot into the infirmary room, the two delicate bundles in his grasp. Auriana and Chandler are peacefully sleeping, swaddled in multiple layers of blankets to keep them warm, and ever since last night, they were nothing but behaved little angels Aiden is grateful for.

The cribs beside his wife's bed soon is occupied by the twins, the two of them comfortable and propped up with pillows. Aiden sat quietly on an arm chair, his hand crawling up to hold his wife's own.

Color had returned to her lips and body once again, her eyes gently closed and her hair brushed back by the maids. She is already cleaned up nicely, and her hand maidens had changed her from her birthing gown to one of her nightgowns to ensure her comfort.

Her form had returned to its vicious and attractive curves, her stomach now in its normal state. She looked like she wasn't pregnant at all.

Last night, I thought I had lost you forever. I thought our children will be the only memories left of your beautiful existence, since each of them has something that resembles you. Our Auriana had inherited your hair, and Chandler had awoke with your striking blue eyes. I cannot imagine myself raising them without you.

"Min elska..." He murmured. If only the entirety of Arendelle knew how much he loves their queen; if only they knew how much of a cold beast he will be if it was not for this woman. 

A little noise came from one of the cribs.

Aiden chuckled before picking up the awakened prince of Arendelle. Chandler's tiny body are both his hands combined, his arms waving at his sire as if to say a hello.

Aiden locked his gaze before those round blue eyes of his son—they are blue and beautiful, just like his mother's.

"Chandler. Hey there, baby boy." He greeted, kissing the prince's nose. The young prince squinted a gummy smile, placing his small chubby hand against his father's cheek. In his perspective, Aiden is nothing more than a blur of black and green. But the tiny prince sensed that this presence is friendly.

"Well, your mother and I are both good looking people and, seems like you have gotten my charm, too." Aiden joked, setting the infant down to his crib.

He glanced at the other crib, the little princess snoozing contentedly.

With your eyes closed, you look like your mother, Aiden smiles, but you've got daddy's eyes, didn't you?

Through the infirmary's windows, the maids gushed and chattered at the newborn prince and princess openly. The fire king watched them curiously, his dashing emerald green eyes watching them for a brief moment before tugging on his collar randomly out of habit.

"The king and queen has a perfect combination with the heirs to the throne!"

"Did you see the baby prince? He looks like the king but with his mother's eyes!"

"The King and the Queen are both good looking, that's why!"

"At long last, the council can finally shut their mouths. They've caused nothing but distress to the crown."


Aiden slowly turned around, a gasp escaping his lips.

There, the ice queen sat, a blanket draped over her shoulders. A weak smile beamed up at him, her blue eyes desperate for his embrace. Aiden sniffed and ran to his wife, catching her in a tight hug. He buried his head against the crook of her neck, kissing behind her ear and crying in her arms.

Elsa chuckled tearfully, rubbing her husband's back. "Oh, lover..."

Aiden cupped her face in his hands, "You scared me."

"I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's okay. You're alive. You, Auriana and Chandler made it out alive, and snowflake, that's all it matters." Aiden pressed a kiss to her forehead, "Okay?"

Elsa giggled, nodding, "Okay."

Aiden smiled and captured her now red lips, inhaling her snowy scent. Elsa melted against him, closing her eyes to endure the moment. Aiden pulled away breathlessly, "I.. I missed doing that."

"You and me both."

Two, loud and boisterous cries disturbing their solitude.

"Is that-?" Elsa gasped in realization.

Aiden nodded with a proud smile, settling down his wife back on the bed to fetch the two infants they desired. He walked silently to the crib and gently picked up a small, white bundle with such care. He held the tiny being in his arms before surrendering the baby princess to Elsa.

The snow queen's dried tears returned to form in her eyes once again, her arms startled by the presence they held. She gingerly caught the baby's head in her hand, and this time, each passing second was an uncontrollable cry.

"H-hello little one..." She breathed, a wide, watery smile spreading across her face.

Aiden just smiled beside her, his arm wrapped around her shoulder while his head watched his wife and his daughter's first meeting.

Elsa carefully brushed away the hood of the bundle covering the tiny infant's head, only to find wisps of platinum blonde resting on the little girl's crown.

"S-she's beautiful.." She whispered, holding the infant a bit more tightly. Like you, Aiden thought.

"Wait, Elsa."

Aiden rushed up to the crib once again and shot the whining prince an apologetic look, picking him up with such ease. Elsa gladly accepted the second bundle with a proud, motherly smile.

"Hey there little snowflake..." She greeted, watching how the prince blink at her with identical blue irises, "He.."

"He's got your eyes, baby." Aiden chuckled, gazing at the prince. Elsa didn't reply and instead pressed a gentle kiss on both of her children's crown.

"You're going to be a great mother, Elsa."

"I hope so, Aiden."

"No love, I know so."

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