💕Chapter 11

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Minho sit by his desk as he admire the way Jisung sleeps, is honestly so adorable, Ever since he saw Jisung that night, the younger gives him so many different feelings, he want to have Jisung, yet he want to be gentle and slow with Jisung

(Not the sexual way- you all dirty minded humans)

Minho felt like he should take things slow with Jisung, he felt like Jisung maybe? Just maybe is the one his been looking for, but he did said the same thing for the pass few years for all the girls he slept with, he honestly don't even know

But Jisung did give him a complete different feeling than the girls he have played, maybe because Jisung was a boy?

Nvm it has nothing to do with gender

Minho brings girls home just to fuck, no real romantic feelings, there have not been someone where Minho invited to his house and not do anything, but Jisung somewhat survived on the bed without getting wet and..moa-

Okay, enough of that.


Minho watches the younger start moving and stretched his arms, the younger yawned, rubbed his eyes and slowly opened them, "good morning, well technically good afternoon" Minho laughed

The younger sits up and smiled at Minho, "m-morning" that small sleepy and tired voice almost sent Minho off guard, "are you hungry, I'll order some takeaway" Minho said and the younger nodded

"Thank you Hyung" Jisung replied, that small Hyung got Minho high, he wanted Jisung to call him more Hyung, he want Jisung to...

Enough of that also Minho..

If Jisung calls Minho Hyung, that means Jisung is younger? But how young? Minho questioned, as he realised he still don't know jisung's age

Is he 20? 21? Who knows


As everyone slowly wakes up, the house becomes more noisy, the three younger was chasing each other in the house, aomehow the three all were wearing no pants..


Felix was wearing changbin's hoodie, Seungmin was wearing hyunjin's jacket while Jisung was still wearing Minho's shirt, "FELIX! I'll bite your finger off if you don't come back here right now!" Jisung yelled

"Too bad Jisung!!" Felix stick out his tongue, "is too early for this, I can't hangout with dumbass, or I'll get dumb, I'm going to the kitchen!" Seungmin sighed as he walked towards the kitchen

"Hey" Hyunjin smiled

"What's with Felix and Jisung?" Hyunjin asked

"Well Felix pinched jisung's thigh" Seungmin laughed, Minho start choking as he haven't even touch those pretty legs yet, "woh, are you okay?" Changbin laughed

"Y-yap! *cough* haha yeah I'm fine *cough*"

Love Talk // Minsung 🔛 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt