💕Chapter 4

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-Last Night-

"Are you sure?" Chan asked

"Yeah I'll go alone today, is fine, that man is weak as fuck" Minho chuckled, "alright, alright! Be careful" chan sighed and Minho nodded

The boy put on a hoodie and left the house, it was around maybe 2am, the dark alley with one light on that hardly works and kept flashing, Minho stopped has he heard footsteps behind him

"You came, I'd thought you be a pussy" the man said, Minho chuckled, slightly turned his head, "you are the pussy, remember me hitting you almost to death?" Minho laughed and turned around

"Wow, breaking the promise huh" Minho said as he sees more than three person behind the man, "we never keep promises" the man laughed, he start walking towards Minho aiming the boy with a knife

Minho dodge the knife and punched the man, the rest came after Minho, but he didn't realised the man behind him stood up, "taste this!" The man yelled and swing his knife

Minho covered his face with his arm, at first he felt nothing, but once he sees his hoodie sleeve been ripped and blood slowing running down from his arm to his hand, that's when someone flash a torch at them

"YAH! What are you guys doing!"

Minho chuckled, "I'm not running today" Minho said as he put his hands up, while the rest runs off, "you okay?" The guard asked, "I'm fine, tiny scratch" Minho laughed

"Come with me" he said, Minho nodded and followed the guard, Minho realised the boy has a pretty nice voice, so he was teasing him the whole time, while walking towards the station

"So, whats your name?" Minho smirked, the guard said nothing, "hey come on~ tell me your name!" Minho added, "hello?" Minho asked once again

"Can you shut up?" The boy yelled, "wow, feisty" Minho smirked, the walk was quite short, as Minho got to the station he was told to sit down, soon enough the boy came back with a first aid kit

"Wow, how nice of you?" Minho smiled,
"I'm not letting you die here" he chuckled, as the boy bend down, he asked Minho to take off his hoodie, Minho did what he said

When he took off his hoodie his shirt slightly rise up, revealing his fine abs that has some scars on it, the boy blinked and awkwardly coughed, "like them?" Minho chuckled lifting his shirt up even more, "no, and stop moving"

"Well cute" Minho smiled

The older still haven't seen what the guard look like, so while his arm was getting bandaged Minho took the hat off the boy, minho gulped as he sees those pretty dark blonde hair

"Yah! Give it back!"

As the guard looked up, Minho was shock, he was so cute, those puffy cheeks, looks like someone familiar or he has seen before, but he can't remember, "what's your name?" Minho asked

The guard said nothing and snatch his hat back putting it back on his head, Minho looked down at the name badge "Han Jisung" Minho mumbled

"Cute name Jisung" Minho said which made Jisung press the cotton on Minho's arm hard, "ouch! Not that hard~~" Minho whined, but smiled as he sees the boy slightly blushing

"Awww you are so cute" Minho said as he lift the boy's chin up, Jisung slapped his hand away and stood up, grabbing a pen and paper



"Full name!"

"Awww cute~~ Lee Minho"


"Woh~ a little personal isn't it?"

"Please don't made my job harder.."

"I can make somewhere else hard too" Minho winked

"Mr Lee, age please"

"I love that, Mr Lee~~ well I'm 23"

"23?" Jisung said not believing it , "yeah I'm pretty sure I'm 23" Minho chuckled

"Why? You older than me? I don't mind, if you're older than me tho~ I like underage play too~~" Minho smirked

"Done, you can leave now" Jisung said not answering Minho's question, "hey! Come on! tell me your age!" Minho pouted, but he was getting pushed out the door

"Hey!" Minho yelled as Jisung shut the door front of his face, Minho chuckled and left, he looked at his arm and smiled.


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