💕Chapter 8

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"Umm...can you four please not act like the shyest people in the world?" Jisung asked as he stares at the four boys who's giving each other a few glances every few seconds, "And Minho can you not play with myyy chekek hnehfhs?"

"Awwww so cute!" Minho said as he squeezed jisung's cheeks once more, the younger pouted and crossed his arms, "anyways, since now we all met!" Jisung paused

"Can you three tell me, why are you guys fighting?!" Jisung asked, "I always have to report your names to the head officer, specially you Minho!" Jisung glared

"That's what we do, we bad boy!" Hyunjin whined, Jisung sighed and shaked his head, "sure....whatever you say...but full name, age, on the paper"

"And Minho, you too, you've been added to the blacklist" Jisung said as he pointed at the board that has Minho's name on it, "Oopsie~ guess I'm famous now!" Minho chuckled

"That's not something you should be proud or brag about" the younger sighed, "alright guys, is like what? 4 am? Please I'm already so tired and really cbb to find out why you guys fight now, you three can leave now!" Jisung said as he yawned

"What if we stay?" Changbin suddenly speak up, "shit I almost thought you were asleep!" Hyunjin yelled, "and no, you can't stay, I'll get in trouble" Jisung yawned once more

"well, what if we just go home then? My house?" Minho winked, "no Minho, I have work" Jisung sighs, "your work ends at 5 right? Is only half an hour away! Is not like some dumbshit will happen" Minho laughed

"no, if we leave, dumbshit will maybe happen, so...you all can leave honestly, Hyunjin you can take Seungmin home, Changbin you can take Felix home, and Minho you go home, and I'll stay!" Jisung said as he stood up and when towards his desk

"Come on Jisung! Is 4:20now! Let's go home! Is fine! Tell me, did anything ever happens pass 4am?" Felix asked and Jisung thought about it and shook his head

"So is fine!! Come on! Let's goo!!" Felix whined, Jisung sighed and nodded, "Alright, if i lose my job, you all gonna raise me" Jisung chuckled, "I'll do it baby~~" Minho smirked

"Yeah yeah whatever you say" Jisung chuckled and softly smiled, as the three pairs were walking back to Minho's house. Hyunjin and Seungmin seem to be in their little world with Hyunjin wrapping his arms around seungmin's waist

While Changbin was watching Felix giggling at something and his eyes are like heart shape for that Australian boy, meanwhile Jisung and Minho?

Well...Minho was teasing Jisung the whole time, like playing with his hair or even poking the boy's cheeks, making dirty weird jokes, "I swear to god Minho, I'll snap your neck in half, if you don't stop touching me!" Jisung glared

"How cute" Minho smiled

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