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y/n pov

As we locked eyes, I watched his eyes widen and him sit up straight. The lights turned green and Edward raced off into the darkness. I sighed and leaned back into the seat and stared out the window. If this mission doesn't go well, that was probably gonna be the last time I meet him. 

I closed my eyes for a moment to try clear my mind. NJ is an extremely violent gang who is known for their violence and illegal trade and whatsoever. Anything that is tied to them never ends well and although we are a far more powerful gang then them, we try our best to lay low.

When I opened my eyes, the lights of the car tailing behind us shone in the side mirror. No, it can't be. It can't be him. Shaking off the idea and telling myself it doesn't matter if it is him. We cut ties years ago.

Finally, we arrived at the giant warehouse hidden behind an abandoned dumpster place. I looked behind me and let out a sigh of relief as there was no car behind us. We slowly walked towards the warehouse being extremely careful of our surroundings. The gravel crunched as we walked and I stuffed my hands in my pocket as I pulled open the door while casually walking in.

"come out, I can see you" I said while crossing my arm.

"I see, you brought... a friend" a deep voice rose and a tall figure came out from the dark.

"and you've brought many.." I said trying to sound innocent.

"I asked to meet your big boss, who knew they'll send a little high school girl" he said scoffing with a smirk. I stared at him and blinked a few times. "close enough" i mumbled and walked up to him. He tilted his head to the side and spoke up.

"lets get to business, there's a room inside" he said while gesturing to a door behind him. Following him in, Edward walked closely behind me. 

The room was huge and had couches and tables set up. It looked like a typical loaded person living room. 

We took a seat on the couch and the man introduced himself as Vincent. I took a closer look at him, he looked like he was in his mid-twenties and not gonna lie is really good looking. He had long hair which reached up to his shoulders and a clean shave. Edward stood behind the couch at where I was sitting. I thought he was sent to work out the mission with me, not act as a body guard.

"get to the point, what do you want" i said in a low tone. He stared at me and smirked while leaning back on the chair. He pulled out a cigarette and offered me one before lighting it up.

"oh right, kids shouldn't be smoking" he said with a smile. I was gonna correct him but I didn't want to waste any time. "I want to see your big boss" he said while sitting up and leaning his elbow on his thigh.

"I am the big boss and I'm 22" i said while crossing my arms and legs. He paused and raised an eyebrow and smirked again. It took alot of effort to not grab a tissue and wipe that stupid smirk off his face.

"Before you start, whatever business you wanted to do with us, we aren't interested" i said before he got the chance to say anything.

"I know what you are up to" i growled lowly

"you're a damn smart girl" he said while blowing a puff of smoke out and flicking his cigarette. 

"let me get this straight, we know you guys have been messing around with the locals and even tried messing with us. But you guys got the wrong gang so I suggest you guys stop" i said coldly and not breaking eye contact with him.

He dropped his cigarette and stepped on it before kicking it away. He smiled at me for a moment before speaking up.

"I don't want to hit a little girl so don't force me" he said. "I want that gambling business you guys own on *** street"

"I already made myself clear, no" my voice going deeper and deeper. 

He sighed and stood up and walked around the table and stood opposite me. He put both hands on the table and leaned toward my direction. 

My eyes stayed locked on him and he smirked while shaking his head. He sighed and stood up with his hands at his hip. Suddenly he stopped laughing and turned to stare at me. His eyes were cold and dark. Finally, I've awoken the lion. 

The door suddenly burst open and when a familiar voice echoed in, I froze.

"Let-me- go!" the familiar voice growled.

"boss, we caught him lurking around" another voice appeared. Turning around, my eyes flickered as I looked at the guy squirming and struggling to get out of the grasp of one singular guy. 




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