*knock knock*

"Go away!" I shout.

The knock becomes consistent and even though it's annoying me I'm not getting up to open the door. Wait...did I lock my door?

My question was answered when the person came in. "Zayn" her now annoying voice rings throughout the silent room.

She closes the door and locks it. She walks towards my bed and when she sat on the edge of the bed my first instinct was to kick her off which is exactly what I did.

"You didn't have to do that" she said sadly.

"Take off my clothes, grab your stuff and leave" I say not looking at her face.


"Get the hell out of my house Selena!" I shout, "I don't want to see your face" I said.

"Can you stop acting like a baby" she said walking to the other side of the bed so we could be face to face but I just turned the opposite direction. So now she was looking at my back once again.

"Seriously Selena leave" I growled.

"But Zay-"

"Shut the hell up and leave! We're done. Over. Finished. Broken Up. All because of you so thank yourself" I spat harshly, dismissing her.

She started to move, she grabbed her stuff and walked out the door without saying one more thing. I got up to lock the door when I heard crying coming from the other side. I wanted to hold her but I guess Harry can take my place now.

I climbed back to bed and went to sleep feeling nothing but regret.

Selena's POV

I can't believe him but then again I can. I walked into the bathroom and changed my clothes. I came out a few minutes later ready to go home and drown myself in sorrow. I walked downstairs to see Harry rocking back and forth with tears in his eyes. Ugh! This is all his fault, also mines, but mostly his and now I just feel bad because he has to live with Zayn.

I walked over to Harry and place my arm around her shoulder and had him crying into my chest. "I'm so sorry Selly, I just couldn't hide it to myself any longer" he cried.

I rubbed up and down his arm comforting him. "It's ok Harry he was going to find out sooner or later" I mumble resting my chin on his soft hair.

"I'm selfish and I don't deserve you and I'm sorry" he whispered.

Ugh! Why does he have to be so cute! I'm supposed to be mad at him and yet he's here crying all over my boobs, apologizing, saying he doesn't deserve me and all but at the end of the day he totally does, but as a friend. I will always love Harry but not the way he wants me to love him...I don't know I'm just so confused on who I want.

"Harry listen to me I'm fine okay, I've dealt with heartbreak before I'll be fine" I assured him but not fully confident of what I'm saying.

He lifted his head up and started at me in his eyes, his nose red and stuffy, and his eyes bloodshot. Poor Guy. "I love you Selena" he said attaching his lips onto mines. I just got out of a relationship with my now ex-boyfriend who is literally upstairs and mad at us for doing this behind his back, but I can never stop kissing Harry he just has the softest lips ever. I pull away when it was about to get heated and stared Harry down wide eye.

"Um, I'm going to go now" I said in a hurry grabbing my stuff and heading home without a glance back at that house.


I get home and flop myself on the couch. Thankfully Demi and Liam weren't home to rub their happiness in my face.

"Hello?" Demi calls out and I intentionally groan.

Bestfriends {Zaylena} #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now