The Voicemail

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The Voicemail
No Episode

In a flash of light, Alister was spit from the inter dimensional plane. He landed on Carter and Sheyara's lawn. It felt like days had passed since the fight with Trigon. How long had he been flying? He feared it was too late to save Sheyara. Fear wasn't going to stop him from trying, however.

He didn't care that it was broad daylight. Or that the world could see his wings and scars. He ran up to Carter and Sheyara's front porch.

"Sheyara?" Alister called from the outside. He banged against the front door. His thumb jabbed the doorbell repeatedly.

Nobody answered. Both cars were in the driveway so Sheyara hadn't gone anywhere. Her mailbox was full as well.

Alister's nerves kicked into third degree. He lifted his mace. He rammed the mace into the doorknob. The entire door flew off the hinges.

Alister stepped over the door. "Sheyara!" He called once more. He walked deeper into the home.

Alister got to the hall and stopped. There was a streak of blood leading to the bedroom. Bloody paw prints tracked to the guest room. The blood was long dried.

A thud echoed from the dark bedroom. His mace pulsed in his hands. He narrowed his eyes.

"Sheyara... Is that you?" He asked hesitantly. With the amount of blood he saw, he knew it was unlikely.

Alister stood in front of the bedroom door. It was cracked just enough for the light from the hall to filter through. He saw a figure dash by in the dark.

His jaw clenched. "Whoever you are, I'd suggest you act like you have some sense." He said.

A low growl rumbled from behind the door. Alister sucked his teeth. "Well, I'm always up for knocking some into you." He said.

Alister kicked the door open. Not even a second later, a lion lurched from the hole. It was the biggest lion he'd ever seen.

Alister dodged in the nick time. He smashed his mace into the lion's ribcage. The lion slammed into the wall and fell to the floor. 

The lion rolled and fixed itself on 2 feet. It towered to the roof of the house. It's yellow eyes were squinted together. Brown blood stained the lion's mouth.

Alister gulped. "Wha... Who are you?" He asked.

The lion chuckled. It almost sounded human. "I am Lion-Mane." He said in a thick African Marbuntan, which country Alister couldn't tell. 

"Why are you here? And where the fuck is Sheyara?" Alister demanded.

Lion-Mane chuckled again. "That little birdie is digesting very nicely right now." The beast purred.

"Bullshit. Tell me where she is! Tell me where Carter is!" Alister screamed. His wings flared outward.

"Why would I lie? You see, I've been itching to tear Hawkman apart for years. When they sent me here I thought, finally, that pigeon would be mine."

Lion-Mane clenched his thick claws. "Instead, I found weak Hawkgirl, weeping over the loss of her beau. I had to settle for the next best thing, I suppose." He said with a careless shrug.

Tears stung Alister's eyes. He couldn't be telling the truth. Carter and Sheyara couldn't be dead! But the blood on the walls and carpets said enough. The blood around Lion-Manes lips was enough. Alister couldn't deny it any longer.

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