We Could Be Friends

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We Could Be Friends
Season One: Episode 8

Alister panted as he circled the mat. Sweat dripped from his tawny skin. His muscles burned but he didn't lower his set.

His wings twitched against the binder locking them down. The exhaustion from his training left them restless. The last time they were bound for that long was back home on Thanagar. A punishment from his father.

Dick Grayson stood a few paces away. He squared off with Alister. He wasn't winded just yet but he'd broken a sweat minutes ago.

When he agreed to help Alister train, he had no idea what he was signing up for. The boy had a stamina like no other. Even when he was exhausted and near the point of falling over, Alister remained true. On top of that, he had the strength of Hercules.

Dick extended his hand. He beckoned Alister forward with 2 waves. A smirk crooked on his face.

A fierce cry broke past Alister's lips. He leaned forward. His balled fist was ready to strike. He never got the chance.

Dick caught his arm. He put his other hand on Alister's shoulder and threw him to the ground. He used the boy's own momentum against him.

Alister grunted as he hit the mat. He slapped his hand on the leather and yelled in frustration. He rolled over, face red with failure.

"I'm never gonna learn. I'm too weak!" He hissed. He didn't bother standing.

"You're not weak." Dick said. He sat beside Alister on the mat.

"I am. I can't even fight. I come from a planet with the best officers in the sector, my father was a Gen-" Alister caught himself. Nobody knew about who he was just yet. About who his real father was.

The entire Justice League was under the impression that he was Carter and Sheyara's nephew. If they knew his father was General Hro Talak, they'd cast him out. That's what he believed, anyway. No one would want him if they knew his father tried to invade Earth.

"Learning to fight takes time. Even Batman had to practice for years before he got to the level he's at now. The Hawks too." Dick said. He glanced at Alister. From one look he could see the turmoil within.

Dick hesitated before he put his hand on top of Alister's. To his surprise, Alister didn't flinch. A small smile pulled on his lips.

Alister looked down at their intertwined hands. He gulped to ignore the flutter in his stomach. A flutter which soon became sinking guilt.

He sighed and shut his eyes. "You shouldn't be so nice to me." He said.

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