Shut Up And Drive

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Shut Up And Drive
Season One: Episode 8 & 10

Alister tossed and turned all night. That led for an early morning. He climbed out of bed before the sun came up. He stepped into the hall and saw a light flickering under Donna's door.

He walked to Donna's room and gave 2 soft knocks. She opened the door for him in seconds. "Hey," Alister said through a yawn.

Alister stepped into her room and shut the door softly. Books were spread across Donna's bed. A printed out photo of the offshoot Sumerian rested underneath the books.

"Any luck?" Alister asked.

"None so far. I'm guessing Carter and Sheyara couldn't help either?" Donna asked. She glanced up from her books.

Alister shook his head. "I didn't even get a chance to ask. Carter's in Peru and Sheyara did not want to talk on the phone last night." He said.

"Then I guess it's up to us, huh? I know I have the right book, I just don't know where I put it." Donna said. She drummed her finger against her chin.

"What do you think we'll find anyway? I mean most of these texts are mundane lists at best."

"Not this one. Aside from the fact that it's a dead language, Dick said it has something to do with his friend Kory."

"Oh?" Alister hummed. "A friend named Kory huh?" He asked.

Donna sighed. She dropped the book and looked at Alister. "Don't start, Al." She warned.

"Start what? I just like the name that's all. Kory, it's so... Germanic." He trailed.

Donna scoffed in response to that. "Bullshit. You're wondering if this Kory is a friend or a lover. I can't give you an answer, though, because Dick didn't say."

"Good. I'm glad he didn't say. Because I don't care. I've moved on." Said Alister with crossed arms.

"So much so that it took all of two minutes for Dick to convince you to expose yourself and ruin my meeting?" Donna asked. Her tone was laced in sarcasm.

Alister face palmed. He raked his fingers down his face and groaned. "I was worried, he was worried, and I... Okay fine, I let the past get the better of me. But I swear, I'm moving on. I even told him we could be friends."

"Oh yeah? And what did he say to that?"

"Just so you know, I never meant to hurt you, and I don't regret a single thing that happened between us." Said Dick with his back turned.

Alister shook Dick's words from his mind. "He agreed we're better off as friends. So that's what we're gonna do. Be friends."

"You both know that's easier said than done. I mean, take Roy and I for example. We're 'just friends' too but we still screw around here and there." She said.

"Oh trust me, I know. You think I didn't hear you two the last time? Believe me when I say those noise cancelling headphones you got me for Christmas are not enough." He teased.

Donna blushed and tossed a pillow at him. "Shut up!" She chuckled. "In all seriousness, I hope you know what you're doing."

"I do. I just... I missed him, Don. I know I shouldn't but I do. Even as he's asleep on our couch right now, I miss him. It's been three fucking years, it shouldn't be this hard." He hissed in a whisper.

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