chapter 9

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okay so first off I'd like to officially apologize for leaving this story hanging for literally over a year and I honestly have no good excuse for it other than I started highschool. but I have improved in my time spent away, so I present to you, hopefully a better story with less plotholes from now on!
once again, I'm extremely sorry for the long wait, I do see your comments asking for more so here you go! enjoy~

reader's p.o.v

"well nice to see you Soldier." I said with a small smile. My head was still throbbing, probably from when I smacked it on the concrete.

"what were you thinking coming out here alone?" The masked man asked, placing his hand on my shoulders so I could sit up.

"um, actually you were the one that left me with no one to help me." I shot back.

"when did I d- oh wait, you're right. shit, y/n, I'm so sorry. this is all my fault." he said putting his head into his hands.

"yeah whatever. but before you got here, I made a friend. of course you had to go scare her off though." I huffed, looking back to where I last saw the feline.

"a friend? what do you mean?"

"there was a cat here until you and your loud boots came stomping over here and scared her. shes probably gone now thanks to you." I pouted while crossing my arms.

"i think you'll be fine, y/n. I can find her for you if you'd like." the soldier offered.

"yeah no way, you scared her. like I said shes probably gone elsewhere. can you just take me to Hana's?" (for those of you who dont know, Hana is D. Va's real name ^^) I sighed.

"yeah sure. I guess I owe you." he said while helping me up. my head still was pounding, but nothing I couldn't handle.

we continued walking around and I saw a few more familiar faces that I said hello to quickly.

"y/n? I thought you'd never show up! you kept me waiting for so long!" the korean shouted at me, but I found it cute and I giggled.

"blame this old man for that." I smiled pointing at my bodyguard. "he ditched me and I got lost."

"oh you-! Soldier! you gotta take better care of her!" Hana puffed herself up to make herself look more intimidating but I burst out laughing when she made her cheeks look big by filling them with air.

"Hana, dont hate me but, you look like a pufferfish." I doubled over in laughter and Hana's 'intimidating' appearance faltered until she was laughing too.

When I gained my breath back, I looked up at Soldier and saw him look so disappointed. his hand covered his visor and his head was down in defeat.

"come on, Soldier, that was funny. you cant just not laugh." I giggled.

"you two are," he paused as if looking for the right word. "you two are something else."

the rest of the night was much of the same. Soldier insisted on staying outside to keep watch but would come in every time we were laughing too loud. eventually he just decided to stay inside and I wished I could see his face to make the moments greater.

Hana fell asleep first and I started getting tired with nothing to entertain me. Soldier was sitting by Hana's bedroom door looking at the floor and all I could think was that's probably boring.

"Hey." I started. his head lifted up and he waited for me to say more. "um thank you.. you know for looking for me and not just letting me lay there for hours and hours."

He stood up, walked over to where I sat on the floor and plopped himself down next to me so we were facing eachother.

"y/n. I'd never leave you. not forever at least. I'm here to stay, alright?" he said as he grasped one of my hands in his. my free hand went to the back of his neck and I pulled him closer until our foreheads touched. well, until my forehead touched his mask.

"thank you soldier." I whispered. then, I yawned and stood up to go to the living room where Hana said I could sleep. Soldier followed me.

I got myself comfy under the blanket in the couch and closed my eyes and waited for sleep to take me. I felt a gentle touch on my face, almost like a caress. I leaned into it and my last memory before I drifted off, was a low and smooth voice wishing me a goodnight.

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