Chapter 8

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Leaning on the wall and gasping for air was not how I would expect this day to go. Since Soldier left me alone, I have been struggling to make my way over to D. Va's room.

I continued my awkward walk for a while longer until I tripped. No arms caught me.

Within a second, my forhead slammed on the pavement.


I groaned and rolled onto my side. I brought my hand up to my forhead and when I brought it back, a warm, red liquid stained it. Great.

I shifted so my clean hand could reach for my phone in my back pocket. When I felt around for it dread filled me. Then I remembered that I had left it in my room back at Talon.


A wave of emotions consumed me as I remembered my old home. The gentle way Reaper would speak to me when we were alone together. The way Sombra would mess with me and make me laugh. How I would ask Widowmaker to speak something in French and I would have to guess what she had said.

The tears threatened to spill over and for a moment, I almost didn't let them. A sob rocked my body and others followed in suit.


I must have fallen asleep because I was woken up by something fluffy rubbing my arm. My eyes shot open in alarm and I moved my arm away in a rush. I forgot about the wall behind me. There was a low thud and a vibration that got sent down my entire arm.

I winced but tried to look and see what touched me.

"Meow~" I let in a small gasp as I heard the animal. It wasn't that hard to locate it after that.

I saw movement from behind a cardboard box and focused my attention there.

Two little black ears poked up from the box and continued to slowly rise. I saw its eyes next. A beautiful forest green with dialated pupils. It paused when our eyes met. How the heck did a cat get into Overwatch's Headquarters?

I was so caught up in its eyes that I almost didn't hear the footsteps coming my way. I only really noticed when the cat hid behind the box again so I couldn't see it anymore.

"(Y/N)? Oh my god." A male voice called. I grunted in response.

Within seconds, the man was kneeling in front of my head and assessing me. He brought his hand to my forhead and brushed my hair out of the way. It stung.

I gasped and he immediatletly drew his hand back and mumbled a sorry.

I soon felt an arm creep under my neck as I heard shifting. When my head was placed down again, I had a clear view of who this man was.

Soldier 76.

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