• Lewis H •

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The clock was ticking upon the wall and only added to my increasing frustration. When Lewis has presented this holiday as a magical Christmas in the mountains to ski and spend time by a blazing fireplace I had jumped at the offer. It wasn't often Lewis and I got time to spend without the racing agenda hovering over our heads like a storm cloud waiting to pounce. This last summer, Lewis had decided to spend his break in Bali with his family. It was okay for me as I got to see my own family for a bit who I hadn't for a while since the move to L.A. Whilst both Lewis and I had a good time with our respective family I couldn't help but feel slightly hurt he hadn't invited me to spend time with him. He was drifting. I could sense it. His head was zone focused on racing, his heart lay with his family and his eyes often found a new girl wherever we were.


Today Lewis has gotten up so early to go skiing I wasn't even awake when he did so. I text him asking him where he was so I could meet him but his phone lay deserted in the kitchen. Finally, the door swung open and Lewis appeared, a bag of skiing gear hung over his shoulder. I couldn't help but notice he had clearly gone out after skiing due to the smart attire he was wearing.

"Why are you still up?" He muttered,

I shrugged, which quickly turned to flinch as his bag hit the floor with a heavy thud.

"Go to bed, I'm staying up." He quipped lightly,

"And I'm not allowed to stay up with you?" I queried,

The tone in my voice was challenging but not argumentative ...yet.

He shot me a edged glance before looking away once more,

"I want to be alone for a bit."

"Surely you've had enough alone time today?"

He laughed harshly and replied,

"I'll never have enough time away from you."

With that he walked past me into the bedroom we were supposed to be 'sharing'. I followed him hurriedly and stopped when I found him sat on the bed staring at me with narrowed eyes. I knew this look as a familiar one; Lewis was looking for an argument. Hunting it down in anyway he could like a predator for its prey... tonight I was the prey he sought to destroy.

"So you don't want to spend time with me?" I asked softly, hoping my voice filling with sadness would shift his mood.

He hesitated before continuing,

"It's not that I don't want to spend time with you it's just that... I need a break sometimes."

"You had a break in Summer away from me and this trip was supposed to be for us to..."

"Spend time together?" He cut me off,

I nodded to his comment and he scoffed,

"I spend almost everyday of my life with you, bringing you to races and showing you off in front of the camera I do everything you want me to."

"You don't love me though do you... not anymore."

"Don't say that you're being ridiculous-"

"It's midnight and you only show up to have a go at me Lewis, you're never here anymore, physically yes but emotionally no... the man I fell in love with left a long time ago and I really don't like the person he's left me with!" I exclaimed,

Lewis looked on with wide eyes at my outburst but I could care less. I needed to get my thoughts of my chest and I felt a lot better for it.

He slowly stood up and walked towards me, he was inches away; his body heat shimmering onto my skin,

"Can I love you again... if you'll let me I can do everything better, I know the last year I haven't been me and it was to focus on my carter and future but you are my future so please, if you want me to, let me love you."

I met his eyes and broke into a small smile,

"Of course I'll let you love me again Lewis Hamilton that's all I've ever wanted."

He sighed a chuckle of relief and pulled me close into his body. A familiar sense of warmth and comfort spread through my body as his fingers skimmed over my back and arms as his heart hammered against my ear. Finally, I was being loved again and if it was by Lewis then it was perfect.

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