• Lewis H •

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It was a peaceful evening in Monaco, the doors that led onto the bedroom balcony were open slightly, the white curtains gently swaying in the breeze and a calming presence rested throughout the city as rush-hour was over and the sea had calmed into a tranquil lapping as it soothed up against the sand. I lay under the thin duvet, my head being enveloped comfortably by the pillow. It was slightly strange, the silence that was running through the apartment. It was usually buzzing with the sounds spilling from the nursery or the TV showing the race on maximum volume so Jacob could squeal and clap his tiny hands in joy when his Dad's voice rung throughout the apartment. It seemed that Jacob now understood the concept of winning and losing as he would smile at me and point at the TV when Lewis got to lift the 1st place trophy but would stay extremely quiet when Lewis has to go straight to the paddock for interviews instead of standing on the podium; not that it happened often though.


I had let myself began to slowly slip into the beautiful world of slumber but quickly sat up alert as a shrill scream broke through the apartment. I knew when Jacob was crying for attention or because he wanted feeding but this cry was different as he began to holler at an alarmingly loud volume. I called his name reassuringly as I hurried to his nursery and my stomach leapt with fear as I saw him face down in his tiny cot, both petite hands clutching at the side of his face. I lifted him up and turned him to face me, trying to get his iron tight grip away from his cheek and, finally, he did; allowing his tiny fingers to curl around mine. I gasped as I saw a bright red mark blossoming upon his cheek, a hint of purple surrounding it.

"Jacob what has happened to you baby!" I exclaimed, trying to calm him even though my own heart was still racing.

He angrily pointed to the side of his cot and shouted,

"Hit hit!"

"How did the hit hit happen?"

He stayed silent, looking at me with his large brown eyes that mimicked Lewis's before dissolving into tears once more. I sighed and walked though to the lounge, bouncing him lightly in my arms and laying his head in the crook of my neck in the hopes of appeasing his mood. It didn't work. The door all of a sudden opened to reveal Lewis; a suitcase in one hand and the winners trophy from Sochi in the other.

"Erm, hey babe?" He questioned, placing the trophy down and hurrying over; gently taking Jacob out of my arms and rocking him slightly.

Jacob stared up at his dad and stopped crying to give him a cheeky grin before closing his eyes and turning into Lewis's chest and sighing deeply. Sleep time. I collapsed on the sofa and let out a quiet breath,

"I thought he was seriously hurt; screaming and hollering... he hit his cheek on the cot side and it's bruising."

Lewis sat next to me, one arm still grasping Jacob whilst the other hooked around my shoulders and also pulled me into his chest. He placed a sweet kiss onto my forehead and began mumbling against my hair;

"He's alright babe, I'll buy him a new cot; he's not having a cot that will hurt him again."

I laughed quietly at his ability to simply buy new things to appease his son.

"Well done by the way, 1st place , as usual." I grinned, sitting up to meet his eyes,

"Huh, not recently, the ferraris pace is outstanding but I'm back now, ready to be world champion!" He mused confidently, pulling me in for a light kiss.

"I'm back for a whole week, so you can stay in bed I'll do the baby shifts at night and early morning." He added, I smiled up at him appreciatively.

My heart warmed when he looked down at Jacob with a pride filled smile,

"My boy." He muttered quietly, pressing a feather like kiss against our sons head who then stirred and let his tiny eyes flutter open.

He laughed when he realised his dad was holding him and pointed to the TV excitedly,

"Yeah, I was on there wasn't I? As a winner!" Lewis cooed happily, sitting Jacob up in his lap.

Jacob nodded before slapping both hands against his newly bruised cheek with a scowl,

"Come on little man, you're going to have to get used to bruises when you hit the karting scene."

Lewis chuckled, nuzzling his nose against Jacobs who squealed in delight that his Dad was back in person, not just on the TV.

"Who said he was going into karting?" I quizzed with an eyebrow raised, Lewis looked at me slightly red with a sheepish grin,

"Let's talk about it?" He asked hopefully,

"Course he's going into karting, needs to be just like his dad!" I replied with a giggle.

With that I snuggled once more into Lewis's chest who then lay against the sofa and brought Jacob close to his neck. He smiled down at me and began to twirl his fingers through my hair. I relaxed once more as the feeling of love and bliss began to settle nicely over the apartment.

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