• Charles L •

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Charles has missed out on a podium position this past race and he was furious. He had a smile on for the media and that iconic twinkle in his eye for the fans and camera but the second the door shut on his house he could no longer hold his anger in. I sat on the couch and listened as he ranted about the team, the car, his teammate, other teams and blah blah blah. This is what happened after every race, Charles could even win, and he would still come home in a bad mood! I grew accustom to sitting in his living room and nodding my head to what he was saying and sometimes making noises of agreement, anytime I tried to add my own thoughts on the matter he shut me down and carried on with his rampage. This time was no different, he didn't even greet me as he launched into a conversation of how bad the car was this weekend. My eyes kept flicking to the clock. 2hours... 2hours he had been complaining of his woes. I'm not saying I don't care for Charles because of course I do, I'm his girlfriend but my gosh I wish he would let me talk.

He deceived to end his current rant with the phrase,

"And it wasn't even my fault!"

I nodded and sniped out,

"No... it never is it Charles?" I slammed my hands over my mouth as I realised what I had said,

"What?" He demanded, standing up from his seat,

"Nothing, nothing."

"Yes something! I heard what you said Y/N, what do you mean?" He said, a wave of anger rolling through his voice,

"Well the thing is Charles, you always seem to blame somebody else when things go wrong, it's the team, the car, another driver... me even!"

"Because I need to improve y/n I need to win, I need to prove myself to the team."

"That's all perfectly fine Charles but don't leave me behind in the dust because of it!"

"Oh please y/n, you're not being left in the dust!" He mocked my voice with a roll of his eyes to which I scoffed in response, though, couldn't ignore the hurt that settled in my stomach on how perfectly accurate his impression of me was.

"Look Charles, I didn't want to argue with you I just wanted for you to treat me better that's all!"

"Because it's what you deserve!"

He shouted but stopped immediately as he realised what he said,

"I'm sorry-"

He once again stopped as he noticed the tears streaming down my face.

"Y/N I'm sorry,"

"You don't get to say things like that to me Charles because I don't deserve the way you treat me!"

"I didn't mean it y/n, I love you for god sake!" He began to say but I had already turned around and began to make my way to the door of his house,

"You don't love me charles , you say you do, but you love that car more than me!"

"Don't say that!"

"Bye Charles, I'm picking my stuff up tomorrow and for the love of god... learn to win so you can be happy for once!"

And with that I slammed the door and began the drive back to my own apartment and for once, felt happy after leaving Charles's house.

F1, F2 & F3 : FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now