Trixya- i love you too doll

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This one shot is like 4000 words long sooooo grab some popcorn, some chocolate and enjoy ❤️
Katya and Trixie are biological women in this
It's been 4 weeks since the last episode of 'UNHhhh' aired.Trixie and katya's friendship just hasn't been the same. Trixie is always with her boyfriend and Katya is either at home or third wheeling Adore and Bianca. Not that they're together or anything, definitely not. There's no denying that Katya is in love with Trixie. Whether she wants to admit it or not.Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova is in love with Beatrice Mattel. Trixie is on Katyas mind 24/7. She lays in bed late at night all the way through to early hours in the morning staring at the ceiling, thinking about Trixie, wondering if she's on her crushes mind. She knew the answer, she just didn't want to accept it. Little did Katya know, Trixie was wondering the exact same thing.

Trixie is in love, with her boyfriend of 3 years, David. But Trixie can't help herself but constantly have Katya in her thoughts. She misses Katya, a lot. She hasn't heard from or seen her best friend in weeks. It's not that they've lost contact, they're both just so busy. That doesn't stop Trixie crying on nights where David is at work. She sits in her bathtub for hours, just sobbing and drinking. She loves Katya, with every piece of her being, but she loves David, David has a special piece of her heart that no one will ever be able to hold, but Katya has the rest of her heart. Before the contact between the two blondes went MIA, Trixie never thought anything if these feelings, she pushed them away and just assumed that they were gonna go away soon and it was just because they had spent so much time together. When she fell asleep at night, she would dream about getting married, getting married to David, seeing his face at the end of the aisle, seeing Katya follow slowly behind her as her /maid of honour. She saw herself with 3 sticky little kids and raising them with David, going over Katya's every weekend to let the kids see their Aunt Katya. But recently she's started to slowly see David being replaced with Katya.
Trixie will never forget the day she told Katya that David proposed.

~Flashback to 6 months ago~
'Katya!' Trixie ran towards her best friend with a massive smile on her face.
'Tracyyyy!' They ran into eachother and held onto eachother as if there was no tomorrow.
'I feel like I haven't seen you in weeks' Katya exclaimed as both girls pulled away.
'That's because you have dipshit' trixie giggled, Katya thought she could just die right there and be happy.
'My feelings' Katya gasped and pulled her hand to her chest dramatically.
'Anyway, you're chirpy today, what's up' Katya questioned as they grabbed a seat in the cafe.
'Oh, right yeah' trixie all of a sudden grew really nervous and started playing with her bracelet.
'Is everything okay?' Trixie looked up at Katya as she took Trixies hand.
'Yeah, yeah it is, everything's amazing' trixie smoked to herself before taking a deep breath.
'David proposed' she blurted out.
'Wh-what?' Katyas grip loosened on Trixies hand.
'H-he proposed?' Katya asked with a shaky breath.
'Yeah, lasts night. Kat are you okay?'
'Yeah, that's amazing Trix, I'm really happy for you. I just remembered I've got to Uh, help my mum with uh, with something, see you whenever' and there she went. Katya just got up and left, without any real explanation.

~end of flashback~

It was like she was hurt. Trixie never really understood Katyas reaction, they were best friends, she thought she would be thrilled, but apparently not.

It was another one of those nights where David was in work and trixie sat on the floor crying. All of a sudden, her vision started to tunnel and  her breaths were shallow and fast. Her head started to spin and she couldn't think. She was having a panic attack. She'd been through many of these with Katya to know the symptoms.
She didn't know what to do, she wonders how Katya does this in her own. Trixies breaths increased swiftly and she was scared. In the heat of the moment, she grabbed her phone from beside her and dialled Katyas number, with much struggle.

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