A Killjoy's Sweet Blashpemy (Ferard/Killjoy)

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a/n okay so this is my firsty Fabulous Killjoys fanfiction >.< Danger Days isn't my favorite MCR album (no offense) so this might be kinda bad because i'm more into some darker stuff. this will probably be a short story but not a one-shot. It is an MCR Ferard fanfic so if you don't like it (it won't be past PG-13) then  you should leave. Also Frank was 10 when the fires of 2012 hit and Gerard was 15.

Chapter 1

Frank's P.O.V.

I opened my bottle of required pills and poured two into my hand. We're supposed to take two everyday, but I only take one. Sometimes not even that. I hate what they tell us here. They save everything is perfect. Keep smiling. Whatever. There's nothing good or perfect about this place. No one's really happy. Everything is an illusion. I can't even remember anything before I was ten years old! People tell me that was when the fires destroyed everything, but Battery City. I've heard rumor that there are a few people still alive in the zones but we aren't supposed to talk about them.

"I hate this!" I yelled throwing the open bottle across the room. I cussed under my breath. Korse is sure to send someone to check on me now and if I'm unhappy he'll shoot me up with more drugs. I went over to clean them up as a Scarecrow walked in.

"Is everything okay?" it asked in a monotone voice.

"Yes, I'm sorry I dropped my medication," I told him, fake smiling. He left. "I'm done with this," I mumbled.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a big chopping knife. I'm done with this emptyness inside.  I walked to the walls of the city and snuck around the Dracs into the outside zones.

I looked around once I was a little ways from the city. Nothing. Just dessert for miles on end. How would someone live in this? You'd need food and shelter. Water. I bet they were just lying.

I started running; might as well see as much as I can before I end my life. When I reached a road I stopped.  Hands on knees, gasping for air,  I thought must have been used before the fires.

I looked at the knife. I never let it go while I ran. I brought the knife up to my kneck. If anyone ever uses these roads again they'll find me.

As I was about to pull it across my neck I heard a sound and saw something in the distance to my right. Sounds like an engine I thought as I lowered the knife from my neck. The object speed towards me and turned onto the road I was standing next to. An old, spray painted Trans Am parked in front of me and someone got out.

He jogged over to me, "are you okay?" His eyes widened when he got a good look at my face.

"Define okay," I mumbled, averting my eyes to the landscape. "So it's true?"

"What?" he asked in confusion.

I glanced at him once again, "that people live out here. Or is it just you?"

"In the Zones?" I nodded, "no there's others. My brother and our friend lead a band of rebels called the Killjoys. We're refuse to be a part of Better Living."

I snorted, "that's probably why you're not supposed to mention the people out here."

"You're from Battery City right?"

"Yeah," I sighed, "and you're probably going to kill me now for basically being against your rebellion." I stepped back and held out my hands. "Go ahead. Better Living is crap. I don't care anymore, I just want to die."

The guy smiled. "Why would I kill you when that's exactly how we all feel? You want to fight with us?"

I sighed, "sure."

He smiled. "Good. I'm Party Poison, but most people call me Party. Out here we all go by names like that so Blind can't find something to use against us. What do you want to be called?"

"Uh. . . I don't know. . ." I trailed off.

"What about?" he paused and thought, "Fun Ghoul?"

I nodded. For some reason that sounded familiar, both mine and Party's name, "okay."

"Let's go. We've got to get you something better than those Blind clothes."

A Killjoy's Sweet Blasphemy (Ferard/Killjoy)Where stories live. Discover now