Tiara smiled fondly, "yea, you can. Just make sure she eats alot,"

"I will." Mark smiled at Tiara's protectiveness towards her Mom. Gwen was was now seven months and a week pregnant. Her tummy seamed more and more swollen everyday.

"C'mon, let's have our dinner and then Mark and me can leave." Gwen clapped her hands together.


The couple drove off to Mark's place. Mason and Tiara waved at Mark and Gwen.

Then they turned to eachother and smiled evily. They knew exactly what to do and they took full advantage of being home all alone together.

They ran up the stairs and burst the store room open.

Mason searched for his sister Madison's drum set. His eyes settled on them and his smiled widely.

That little shit forgot the drum set again. Mason thought about his sister. Madison visited Tiara past the day and forgot her drum set. Mason wasn't the drummer but he did know a few tricks. He knew because obviously his sister is an expert drummer so she tought him a few.

He took the set into Tiara's room where she was already prepared with her guitar.

"Ready, Tia?" Mason screamed.

"I'm ready, Mace!" Tiara screamed back with an evil laughter and pulled the guitar string forcefully creating a sound of high wavelength.

Mason settled himself infront of the bed and Tiara and started playing the drums loudly matching Tiara's melody.

The sound of their loud music was heard by the whole neighborhood.


"Yes, sir," Aiden apologize. "I'm sorry for my daughter's behaviour."

"I'm sorry, officer," Blair, Mason and Madison's mother apologized. "I'll make sure this doesn't happens again"

The officer nodded, "that's okay, we're letting it go because they're only kids and they make mistakes. I'll suggest you to make sure that this doesn't happenes again or else the neighbours can register an F.I.R for constant public disturbance."

"Right, we'll look after that." Aiden confirmed and Blair nodded.

The officer looked back at the two seventeen year olds who's heads were down in shame and fear. Shame, for their bad decision of practicing at night and creating disturbance for Tiara's neighbours and fear of the police and their parents.

"Kids, don't worry. You're off the hook this time," she smiled at them. They were heck nervous and looked like they were going to pee their pants anytime now.

"Thank you, miss." they both muttered together, still looking down.

The officer chuckled and went back to her police van, driving away.

"Mason and Tiara, what have you done this time. Really? Tiara I thought you were the smart one" Blair shook her head.

"Clearly not," Aiden said and looked at Blair and then at his daughter, "Tiara, and what were you doing late at night with a boy alone?"

"Uh..um," Tiara stuttered.

"Uh..." Mason looked at Aiden, "just a night stay."

"Oh," Aiden said, not impressed with the information.

"Don't worry, dad," Tiara said quietly "he's my bestfriend."

"Yeah," Mason chuckled, "we're just friends."

"Not funny, Mace." Blair crossed her arms.

"Sorry, Mom." Mason looked back down and so did Tiara.

"C'mon," Blair took a hold of Mason's hand "let's leave." she then looked at Aiden, "thank you, sir."

"Call me Aiden please, and it's fine." Aiden said. The officer was Aiden's good friend so she let them go and didn't even put a fine.

"Bye, Tia." Mason mumbled.

"Bye bye, Mace." she muttered back glancing up from her eyelashes.


The ride to the Collins mansion wasn't awkward because the conversation was heated.

"Really, Tiara? I didn't expect you to get into police." Aiden said staring at the road.

"I'm... Sorry," she muttered, "I didn't knew we were being so loud. We always practiced in the afternoons and they never had a problem then."

"It's because people sleep at night, baby." Aiden reasoned, finally calming down.

"Mm.." Tiara looked down at her lap "Mom will be very disappointed and worried."

"I talked to her, she was actually really worried and a bit mad at you too."

Tiara sighed, "I'm sure I'm gonna be grounded for the next two months."

Aiden laughed slightly, "I don't doubt that."

Tiara smiled at Aiden and then asked "does anyone know I'm coming?"

"Maria does and so does Ben,"

"Do they know the reason?"

Aiden nodded.

Tiara sighed, "I'm screwed up."

"Are you guilty?"

Tiara nodded, "very."

"Then there's nothing to be worried about." he smiled warmly at his daughter. "you're gonna be fine, darling."


Chapter 6 is updated too, make sure you check it out.

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