Book 2: Secrets Are Perfect | Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

When we got outside, I saw that his car was parked in front of the house behind Ryan's. My car was in the driveway, parked in the middle of it so Hayden and Natalie would be able to get their cars out of the garage whenever they wanted to leave.

Ben walked me to the passenger door of his car and opened it up for me. He closed it once I was all the way inside and then walked over to the driver's side to get into the car as I put on my seatbelt. Once he was inside the car, had shut the door and put his seatbelt on, he turned on the car and then drove off after he had turned his car around to go back down the new street we were living on. We drove past his house on the way out of the neighborhood and I could see Kate and their parents' cars still in the driveway.

They would probably be leaving when Ben and I were just about done eating breakfast. The service for my mom's funeral didn't start for another two hours so Ben and I had plenty of time to eat breakfast.

"We'll go to that restaurant that's always never too busy so you don't have to deal with too many people, but if it gets to be too much then you just let me know and we'll get out of there as fast as we can, alright?" Ben asked glancing over at me before looking back at the road.

"That's fine with me. Thanks Ben," I said as I watched the houses in our new neighborhood pass by. I wasn't too worried about people coming up to me while we were eating breakfast. I had been back to work for about a month now and was sort of used to it.

It definitely bothered me when people tried to ask me about what happened that day, but my boss and co-workers had always come to my defense to protect me. Same went for Ben, my brothers, or one of my friends when I was out with one of them. I was going to a lot more places now since I had gone back to work, but it was hard sometimes with people staring at me all the time and trying to ask me questions. I was never alone when I went out, which was perfectly fine with me. I wasn't ready to be alone out in the world again.

It'd probably make me feel overwhelmed and I would end up in tears. And I didn't want to cry in public especially if there was no one there to shield me from everyone else.

"Anything for you babe," he replied. I looked over at him since I thought I could feel him looking at me and smiled, but he didn't see it since he was focused on the road. He must have been looking at me though because I could always tell when Ben was looking at me.

We arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later. It had only been about a fifteen minute drive from our new neighborhood so it hadn't taken that long to get there. Probably about the same amount of time from our old one, maybe a little less, but it was a restaurant that we had been to before. After finding a parking spot, Ben and I unbuckled our seatbelts and then got out of the car. I grabbed my purse from the floor of Ben's car and then shut the door.

Ben was already waiting for me on the sidewalk by the car after I had shut the door. I went over to him and then we headed over to the doors that led into the restaurant, which Ben opened up for me and let me go inside first.

Ben and I walked over to the hostess together since I didn't really want to talk to her and have her recognize me. She would probably end up starting to ask me a bunch of questions about what had happened to with my parents after she had expressed her sympathy. That's how it usually started anyways. People started off by being nice to you and then got down to what they really wanted to talk to you about. Ben knew the drill anyways and always knew how to keep anyone from asking me too many questions.

They may end up getting in one or two, but Ben would never give me a chance to answer them or let them ask anymore, which was completely fine with me. If I wasn't talking that much to the people closest to me, then I certainly wasn't going to talk about what happened that day to someone I didn't know at all.

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