Book 2: Secrets Are Perfect | Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

"When am I getting out of here?" I asked Hayden finally deciding to stay something after the twenty minutes he had been here. It was the day after and I was getting restless and maybe just a little bored of lying in a bed while doing nothing.

Even though I didn't want to go outside, I wanted to go home and be somewhere where I felt safe and comfortable. Plus, I wanted to do something else besides watch television and lay in this bed. And I just wanted to be somewhere where no one could try and sneak in to see me. No one had done that yet, but I was always wondering if the next person walking through the door was someone trying to sneak in to see me to ask me about what had happened.

I was thankful that it was summertime and I wouldn't have to face all the students at my school just yet. Because I was dreading the first day of school even though I still had two months to get through before that happened, but I knew that those two months were probably going to fly by fast and the first day of school would be here in no time. I mostly just didn't want anyone to ask me about what had happened.

And I also knew that I wouldn't have Ben or Ryan there to keep anyone from asking me about what had happened because I knew that there was going to be someone who was going to be asking me about it. And it was none of their business what was going on with my family when I didn't know the person who was asking.

"Probably in a day or two. They just want to make sure everything's fine with you and that nothing else is going to go wrong. I think they're waiting for some tests to come back before they make a decision on when you get to home for sure," he replied smiling sympathetically at me. I think he knew I wanted to go home badly.

"I feel fine. Can't I just rest at home?" I asked whining a little bit. Hayden squeezed my hand and then said, "I'm sure you'll be doing that even after you get to leave the hospital."

"Well hopefully I'll get to go home tomorrow and not the day after tomorrow. This bed is really uncomfortable and I'm super bored," I replied sighing.

He squeezed my hand again, which he hadn't let go of since he had arrived at the hospital this morning. I think he had gotten here before visiting hours had started because he was in my room the minute the nurses had said visiting hours had started. Ryan was here too, but he was in the bathroom at the moment.

Hayden and I were both silent for awhile not really having anything else to talk about at the moment. I watched my oldest brother as he stared off at something in the room, even though there wasn't too much to look at in here. There was only one picture in the room and I'm sure he had already stared at it enough the first few minutes he had been here.

Other than that picture hanging on the wall, which happened to be a painting of a flower, there was also a clock and a white board with some of my information on it. It also had my nurses' names on it and an estimated time of when I could possibly check out of the hospital, which was three days from today. None of the nurses had changed it since I had gotten here, but I was sure it was wrong.

I focused back on my brother, who seemed lost in thought. I sort of had the feeling that he may be thinking about Mom. I knew I had been thinking about her when there was nothing else distracting me. Since yesterday none of us had actually talked about Mom. We seemed to all be avoiding the subject even though I wanted to know if there was anything going on since no one had really mentioned a funeral yet.

I was afraid to ask though because I wasn't sure how Hayden was going to react. We'd never really had a death in our family, so I wasn't sure how my brothers dealt with death, especially with a death of someone we all loved very much so I settled on talking about something else that was on my mind.

"Who am I going to be living with now?" I asked. Hayden turned to look back at me.

"Me and Natalie, of course. Ryan's going to stay with the Morgans for a little longer until we can find a bigger house. He at least gets a bed if he stays there, but I know he wants to be in the same house as us. That's why Natalie's not here right now. She's talking to a realtor and looking at some houses. When she finds one she likes, then she'll call me and I'll go check it out," Hayden answered. I couldn't tell if he was happy about me and Ryan permanently staying with him until we both could move out on our own. He was sad most of the time, so nothing was currently making him happy except maybe that I was okay.

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