Stay Alive Part 26

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"Yes and you're lucky you did tell me or else you would've really been dead by the time you returned. Dead at my hands." I say turning to him with tears flowing down my face. He stares at me for a second shocked and I roughly wipe my face with my sleeve. "Just because I was pretty sure you didn't die doesn't make watching you 'die' yet again any easier. Bitch."

He laughs quietly before coming over to me and wiping my last tear away with his thumb. "Thank you for not telling them."

"I was never one to let one in on the prank, remember?" I look at the ground and he pulls me in to kiss my forehead. "I should go, if I take too long I'll look suspicious," He lets go of my shoulders and I pause a few steps away from him "I'll see you again right?"

"In your dreams," he winks at me. I roll my eyes and he laughs "Yes, love, we'll see each other again," I smile at him and teleport close to where Thor and Jane are.

"He's going to unleash it. Not just on Asgard, or on a star. Malekith is going to destroy everything," Jane says. They see me but leave me alone at the beginning of the cave to "grieve".

"How?" Thor asks.

"The Aether, obviously," I answer in my head.

"Jane, how?" Thor asks again.

"I saw him on Earth. Why would he go to Earth?" Jane asks.

"The convergence," Thor realizes.

"Oh, God. None of this would have happened if I hadn't found the Aether," Jane says blaming herself.

Thor takes a few steps towards her and say "Then Malekith would've only possessed it that much sooner."

"I only found it because I was looking for you," Jane says and I can't help but feel awkward. I know she said this to be romantic but it sound slightly like she's shifting the blame onto Thor.

"Jane..." He says putting a hand to her face.

"Now we're trapped here." She says. Suddenly some odd music starts playing and I walk over to them.

She looks around confused and he says "It's not me,"

"I left my phone on Midgard," I add.

She pulls her phone out of her pocket and answers hesitantly "Hello?"

"Hi, Jane it's Richard," I hear a man's voice come through the speaker.

"Richard?" Jane gasps "Where are you?"

"I'm still at the office," Richard says. "It's been a crazy day here today."

"Oh, my God, this is amazing," Jane says looking at her phone.

"Is it? I quite enjoyed our lunch despite never actually ordering anything," He says.

"Date gone wrong?" I asks quietly earning an alarmed glance from Thor.

"How am I getting service here?" Jane wonders ignoring what Richard is saying.

"Is this a bad time? Do you want me to try you later?" he asks.

"Definitely a date gone wrong," I snicker.

"No, no, no. Please, whatever you do, do not hang up the phone." Jane pleads.

"Ok then," He says and I can just hear the happiness in his voice. "I was just wondering if you want to try again. Uh, maybe dinner next time," I glance at Thor and see him looking at Jane awkwardly clearly feeling jealous.

"Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just stay on the phone, okay?" Jane says clearly not hearing anything "Richard" is saying.

"Yeah, I will," He answers and I can't help but wonder just how needy this guy is.

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