Stay Alive Part 22

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     He eventually lets go of me, not saying a word and not daring to look into my eyes. So I leave feeling even more emotionally exhausted than when I got here. He's stuck in my veins like the blood that flows there. No matter how injured or broken I am, as long as my heart still beats, it'll continue to force him back into my system.

When I get to my room I fall onto my bed and realize that I'm still in my armor from when I fought for my queen. From when I failed. I run to the bathroom and take off my armor and scrub myself clean of the blood that made its way through my clothes, her blood. Oh, gods, the nightmares are going to take me tonight, I can just feel it. All the blood of the dead is something I can still feel dripping down my skin.

I eventually go to my bed and fall asleep, I was right about the dreams. They're as bad as always and it makes me almost wish that I wasn't given a choice in that moment of death. Dealing with this once is bad enough but having to learn to live with night terrors, it's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

In the morning I gather my strength after the nightmares and force myself to go the the meeting being held to talk about what to do about the Dark Elves. When I get there the meeting begins, the meeting consists of Odin, Frandal, Volstagg, and I, with a few guards surround us for protection. I can't help but wonder how much protection we can possibly have if so many Dark Elves where able to break into here. We surround a small illusion of the castle for demonstrations, if needed.

"We are still unable to restore the palace shields. Our artillery cannot detect them, even Heimdall cannot see them," Fandral gives the report the All-father asked for. He hesitantly continues "My king, we are all but defenseless."

Odin takes this in for a moment and suddenly Thor comes in and asks "She's you prisoner now?" Odin looks as though he's not surprised by Thor's actions "Leave us," Thor says and we clear the room. I stay by the door and listen in, Fandral and Volstagg look at me as if to say I shouldn't be doing it. To my amusement they join me at listing to the door after a moment of looking at me with faux disappointment.

"I do not wish to fight with you," Odin says.

"Nor I with you," Thor agrees. "But I intend to pursue Malekith.

"We possess the Aether, Malekith will come to us."

"Yes, and he will destroy us."

"You overestimate the power of these creatures," Odin says turning his back to Thor and slowly walking away from him.

"No, I value our people's lives. I'll take Jane to the Dark World, and draw the enemy away from Asgard. When Malekith pulls the Aether from Jane, it will be exposed and vulnerable and I will destroy it and him," Thor tells his father.

"Not terrible as far as plans go," I whisper to the others and they nod their agreement.

"If you fail, you risk this weapon falling into the hand of our enemies," Odin says turning to face his son.

"The risk is far greater if we do nothing. His ship could be over you heads right now, we would never even know it."

"If and when he comes, his men will fall on ten thousand Asgardian blades."

I shake my head thinking "Thor's plan is better than doing nothing."

"And how many of our men shall fall on their?" Thor asks.

"As many as are needed!" Odin yells.

"He is no longer thinking straight without his queen," I whisper to the others. Volstagg apparently thinks he shouldn't be hearing this and leaves me and Fandral listening at the door.

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