Stay Alive Part 7

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When we get back she definitely fulfills that promise. We go to a local tavern and drink their finest ale. Apparently the rest of my team go here too and talk to the other customers about their adventures. I know this because people knew me and keep asking about them and for stories about how many people I could kill without breaking a sweat. I was used to talking to other warriors for the king when it came to previous battles but knowing the ordinary people knew me didn't really occur to me.

When we get back I fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow and when I wake up I find Eliina in my bed too. I carefully get out of bed trying not to wake her, by the time I get out of the bathroom I find her sitting up cradling her head. "Hungover?" I ask.

"A bit, you?" she shoots back falling back down onto the mattress. I shrug "I guess I was too tired to go back to my own room, sorry."

"Really it's not a big deal. At least we can safely assume, judging by our personalities and the status of our relationships, that we wouldn't accidentally sleep together," I shrug once again sitting back down on the bed.

"True. Ok, but real talk, why in the hell is your bed so comfortable?" I give her a strange look, "It's a legit question, like is it stuffed with feathers or something?"

"I never thought to ask," I respond honestly.

After breakfast I go to the library and continue my research. I find that there are a bunch of Elven cultures that use the lotus blossom and start looking at different subcultures. Thus my days go, me trying to find out where I came from and either going out drinking with Eliina or third-wheeling while going out drinking with Eliina and Crissy. Whom I have found out is really funny and sweet, I can see the three of us becoming fast friends.

I have the same dreams every night. One is Loki, who always looks tired and he just speaks to me, although I can't make out what he's saying. The other is the people I've killed. I'm in a desert with a grey sky and suddenly the ground starts to crumble and people come up from the ground. They drag me down into the ground with them while some scream at me while others whisper to me. "You deserve this,", "You did this to us,", "You should know how it feels like to die," and other such things like that. The ones that don't talk are almost worse. They just look at me like they can see into my soul and see every sin, every life I've taken, every broken promise. They know that I deserve the types of deaths I gave them. Every time I kill that person gets added to the list of people trying to drag me down to their graves.

I can't escape the battleground. I fight in the physical form when I'm off-world and when I'm on Asgard I fight psychologically. Old lords and ladies have started to try to either pair me up with their offspring or to judge me. Very different views although I can see why for both. On the side that hates me, I was once the king's most trusted advisor and I threw that away to pursue the battlefield. On the other side I have always been close to the royal family and I'm a strong warrior which they believe would be passed on to any children I would produce.

I'm back in Asgard for the first time in forever. The sun is high in the sky but the bed is just too comfortable today. So I stay in bed as long as I can, simply enjoying the warmth and not having to do anything today. Unfortunately the sun starts setting and I have to make myself get up from hunger. I look into dining hall and see the crowd I don't feel like being around right now so I take my food to the library.

I've been able to knock off most of the kingdoms of elves there's only a few left on my list. I'm hunkered over a book when I hear a pair of boots come up next to me. I slowly look up instinctually expecting to find something unpleasant. "So this is where you have been in your free time, sister," Thor says looking at the piles of books scattered on the table I'm seated at. I stand slowly and wrap my arms around him. He stands stiffly for a moment before melting into my embrace and hugging me back. "I've missed you, Amril."

"I've missed you too. I'm sorry for not trying to talk to you. I've been busy."

"So I've heard," He says and pulls away from me holding me at arm's length to get a good look at me.

"I'm ok, I've got everything under control. I haven't been thinking about... him as much."

"The fact that you even bring him up makes me think that you're lying," I open my mouth to retort but he raises his hands to stay my words. "I didn't come here to fight. I came to you out of worry. I know you've been having trouble and I can see now that even if I am right you wouldn't tell me," He sighs and rubs the back of his neck with a hand. "Look, just... if there's anything you need, no matter what it is, come to me. I want to be here for you, Amril."

I nod slowly "Thank you, Thor that means a lot to me. If I can think of anything I'll come to you," He lightly puts his hand on my shoulder and gives me a slightly pained smile before leaving me to my thoughts.

I sit back down and look at the sheet of paper with a list of names of kingdoms of Elves I might be with all but five crossed off. If I'm not of Elven descent then I have to look at several other realms. I try my best to get back to work but Thor's words are ringing in my ears. I just start to flip through looking at the pictures not really thinking about the task at hand anymore. I start to get up to take a break when I see it. I see the exact replica of what I have on the back of my neck on the paper in front of me. I back up and trip over the chair causing me to take a seat before the chair tips backwards sending me to the floor along with it.

I gasp trying to get my breath back as my mind goes through shock as I try to understand what just happened. I found out where I'm from. I'm a light elf, or rather, more specifically, a moon elf. I'm from Alfheim. "No," I say out loud. I might have been born there but I am an Asgardian through and through. No one from there cared about me enough to ever look for me, I probably don't have any family there.

"Are you ok mistress?" A servant asks looking at me strangely which is what it takes for me to realize that I'm still sitting in the chair that fell backwards.

"Perfectly fine, thanks," I say getting up. "Would you mind putting these back?" She nods and I nod slowly before quickly writing down my origins on a note and walking quickly from the room. I don't feel like I can tell anyone, not even Eliina. I try convince myself that it's not of importance, that I still have a job to do here. I sigh and slow my pace as I come to terms with what I've discovered.

"Amril, what's wrong dear?" Frigga startles me out of my own mind.

I look at her bewildered for a moment before whispering "I'm a light elf," She sees my obvious destress and takes me onto a balcony that's much more private than the hall. She pulls me into a hug.

"How do you feel?" She asks holding me at an arm's length away.

"I'm not sure. I guess like I don't belong, that I'm not... not who I thought I was," I admit to the both of us.

She nods understandingly before denying that. "You belong here, with people who love and care for you. We, I, just want you to be happy, Amril, even if it means you needing to find your way away from here." We talk more and just talking to her helps me deal with the shock of finding out where I'm really from.

I'm on my next mission with my team before I know it, more trying to get allies. They're a weak group and won't be hard to win to our side so I decide to take a walk. It's becoming dark and the woods are starting to become too dense to be safe. I come up to a lake and look at me own reflection before sighing and taking a step back to turn around. Suddenly a rippling comes from the lake and I hover my hand over my weapons, ready for any form of monster that might be about to attack me. Or at least, that's what I thought.

But instead I'm surprised. I'm scared. I see him coming dripping out of the lake. He comes up dripping as the water forms into droplets and run down his skin and back into the lake. My love. My Loki.


I know how crazy two chapters in one day. But even crazier is that ending what do you guys think, any theories as to what's going on here?

So I've been writing this for about two years so I know the writing isn't very great but stick with it because I'd like to believe it gets better. But an even bigger surprise is that I have already started book three, I have a lot of plans for this series, like book three will be written twice. Now what I mean by that is before Thor Ragnarok was even announced I was thinking about the third book and where I was going to go with it. So I already had a lot of ideas for it so I'm writing a book three that follows my own story and a book three that follow Ragnarok. I also have an AU in mind but I haven't even gotten close to starting to write it.

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