Part 3

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On Thor's birthday there was a big feast and all of the royal court was invited and Odin announced a plan of his "As you all know Thor is now considered a man by Asgardian law and a man will need a partner for life, someone to help him and advise him. As Frigga has done for me. After all these years I finally think I have found someone who will do my son well."

We all wait with baited breath as to who will Thor be expected to marry and as Odin has a small love for being dramatic he keeps us waiting for at least a minute. "Amril, would make a good match for my son, Thor," I feel the smile fall from my face. I whip my head around to look at Thor whose face went from jovial with a gleam of happiness in his eyes to confused. I search for Loki only to see him making a quiet exit.

The cheers suddenly become all too much and I rush out of the dining hall. I end up running into someone's back. Loki turns around looking down at me, I open my mouth and close it several times probably looking like a dying fish. I won't make a fool out of myself in front of everyone, so I start running to my chambers in the palace. He looked like he had tears in his eyes, although I can't completely comprehend why.

After slamming the door so hard that I'm sure Valhalla can hear, I let out a stream of Asgardian curses that I'm sure could curdle even the finest of milk. I hear a soft knock on my door and I yell my permission to enter. Loki slowly comes in and closes my door, the way he's studying the floor one would think it holds the answers to the universe.

I groan and flop face down onto my bed, after a moment I hear his soft footsteps coming closer and feel him sit down next to me. "Do you wish to speak about what happened?" He softly inquires.

"Yeah.... It's just. Thor's like a brother to me and this... I never really thought about this. I mean, like, almost every girl dreams of her wedding day, but this. I thought that it'd be my choice and I would love them. Thor is way too out going for me and he's not someone I could grow to love ..." I rant.

"Yes?" Loki says clearly just trying to fill the air.

"I just... I will always follow my duty to my king, but this, this is something I'm not sure I can follow," I say turning over so I can look at him in his eyes.

"Amril, I will talk to him, I will find a way out of this for you," He says grasping my hand, while staring into my eyes. He kisses my hand softly and gives my hand a squeeze before letting it go. "Thor will probably be looking for you to talk, you should look for him."

I nod before saying "Thank you, Loki, you've always been here for me. You're the best friend I could have ever asked for."

He smiles at me before leaving me to my thoughts. I eventually get up and go out looking for "my betrothed". I find him looking in the library, where Loki and I usually are talking over books.

"Thor," I say to catch his attention.

"Lady Amril! I am sorry for my father. I tried talking to him, but he seemed adamant, I promise to try again later. I am very sorry if this has caused you any distress or embarrassment," Thor apologized at the speed of a bifrost journey.

"Brother," I say holding up my hand to silence him. "This is your father's doing not yours. Any discomfort caused was not any fault of yours, although I do hope that your words and your brother's will have an effect on him. While I am sure you are quite the catch you just are not the type of fish I want."

"Yes I am sure that when you marry, they will be someone like my brother," Thor says with a small smile.

"What?" I feel a small blush crossing my cheeks. "What is your meaning?"

"Nothing," Thor says with a smile that says he knows something more than he's letting on. He then leaves the room without another word. I let his words sink in and I start to think about Loki and analyzing our relationship.

There has been harmless banter, but that's it, that's all there ever will be. I do have a romantic interest in him. Of course I do, he's the most loyal, and smartest man I've ever met, but he is the prince and when he marries it will be for the good of the kingdom. While that thought pains me it is the truth.

Months passed and the issues of marriage weren't brought up again, after years passed it was just a glimmer of awkwardness in the past best not to bring up. We all made more friends over the years.

Lady Sif rose in the ranks of the king's army proving to all that a woman was a force to be feared, no matter how much training I did with her I could never surpass her. I accepted this defeat with dignity and congratulated her on her status as one of the best warriors the nine realms has known.

Volstagg, is one of the few people I know that can out eat Thor and the king. Though he has fought in many wars and seen many atrocities, he is one of the most jovial people I have ever met.

Fandral, skilled with a bow and quiver is the only man I know that can get anyone he wishes into bed with just a look. Though, while he did once make an attempt at making me a conquest of his, after aggressively beating him during a duel he understood that I was not someone to be trifled with. He did once share with me in a drunken state he thought about trying for Prince Loki, but as he is royalty he thought it best not to try.

Hogun was usually quiet, but once someone upset him he would show them in less time than it takes them to spew another insult just who the better man is. He is the most brooding of the bunch and can hold a grudge for centuries, which he has proven on more than one account.

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