Stay Alive Part 23

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     "That is never going to work," I say after he transforms his clothes into his armor, which earns me an odd look form them both. "I doubt you'd want to face the others like that, not with your ego as big as it is." I explain pointing to his hair Loki fixes his hair as much as he can, he gives me a look to ask if it looks better.

I sigh and go behind me, he tries to turn to see what I'm doing. I make a noise of general disapproval and put my hands on his shoulders to make him stay still. I run my hands through his hair, I see him shiver and I blush trying to ignore it. I pull his hair into a ponytail. I go around him to get a look and nod in approval at my work.

"Better?" he asks putting his head down and looking up at me though his eyelashes.

"Much," I whisper as I run my hand flatly over his head smoothing down some non-complaint hairs. "Now you'll be able to see while you fight."

I turn away but he grasps my arm and I look at him. He doesn't look up as he takes my hand, he stands there waiting, I realize after a moment that he's waiting for me to reject his touch. To lash out or jerk my hand out of his grasp. But I squeeze it happy to finally have him beside me again. I turn and keep walking not letting go of his hand.

"This is so unlike you brother. So clandestine," Loki says as we walk out of the room, walking between Thor and I. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?"

"If you keep speaking, I just might." Thor answers, glancing at our joined hands. He sends me a look that speaks volumes of how he won't speak against it but he clearly doesn't want me to get hurt again. I send him a look back that's supposed to be reassuring but it clearly doesn't impact him very positively.

"You aren't the only one that has changed over the past year," I remind Loki.

"Fine. As you wish," Loki says to both of us. "I'm not even here," He then lets go of my hand and turns into a guard "Is this better?"

"It's better company at least," Thor says.

"Still, we could be less conspicuous." Loki says and turn back into himself and turns Thor into Sif. "Hmm, brother, you look ravishing." I roll my eyes, chuckling and Loki sends me grin.

"It will hurt no less when I kill you in this form," Thor says once he realizes what Loki's done. Although, oddly enough, his voice remains the same in Sif's form.

"Very well. Perhaps you prefer one of your new companions given that you seem to like them so much," Loki says and turns Thor back into his regular form and turns into Captain America. "Oh, this is much better. Ooh. The costume is a bit much. So tight."

"I can see that," I add, grinning now. I missed this, Loki playing harmless pranks and telling jokes.

He winks at me and says "But the confidence, I can feel the righteousness surging," He then turn into front of Thor and I and starts walking backwards. "Hey, do you want to have a rousing discussion about truth? Honor? Patriotism? God bless Amer-" Thor then slams him into a pillar transforming back into himself and Thor covers Loki's mouth. I take cover next to them, seeing the reason we're hiding. "What?" Loki asks mad that Thor stopped his fun. Thor gestures to the guards passing.

"You can at least furnish me with a weapon," Loki says when they're gone. "My dagger, something." He smiles when he see Thor looking for something in his pocket and I grin when I see what it is. "At last, some common sense." He drags out the "s" when he feels what Thor gave him. He puts his hands in front of his face looking at the cuffs now on his wrists.

The grin is wiped from his face but mine grows and I chuckle. "And I thought you liked tricks," Thor says now smiling.

"I, for one, love it," I laugh again. We go and meet Sif and Jane.

"You're," Jane starts pointing at Loki.

"I'm Loki you may have heard of me-" Loki says but is cut off by Jane punching him in the face.

"That was for New York," She says.

"I like her," Loki chuckles. Of course he wasn't hurt by her blow as Midgardians are weaker, but I do admire her bravery.

"You did destroy, Manhattan," I remind him.

Guards suddenly appear and Sif says "I'll hold them off. Take her," Thor thanks her. I look at Loki who's staring Jane down with a grin and I see she's getting creeped out. I see right through this as a ruse to make her scared of him and it's a play for dominance.

"Behave, Loki," I tell him with a smirk and an eyebrow raised. He smirks back at me and I send a semi-apologetic look to Jane.

"Are you two... together?" Jane whispers to me so the others can't hear us.

I make a non-committal noise and say "We have a rather complicated relationship."

"I have a feeling any relationship with him would be complicated," She says sending a glare his way as he pretends to ignore us and I agree with her with a playful smile gracing my face.

We start leaving Sif then draws her sword and puts it at Loki's neck "Betray him, and I'll kill you."

Loki laughs and looks at her "It's good to see you too, Sif," He says grinning and she reluctantly lets him pass. I nod my head to her gratefully and follow Loki. We go to Volstagg who is guarding the Dark Elves' ship that crashed.

"I will give you as much time as I can," Volstagg offers.

"Thank you, my friend," Thor says shaking his hand. He and Jane pass but Volstagg stops Loki and I hang back with them. "If you even think about betraying him..."

"You'll kill me?" Loki asks as if it's obvious. "Evidently, there will be a line."

"It starts here in case anyone was wondering," I say raising my hand causing Loki to send me a smirk. I send a small smile back but I wonder just how much of that really was a joke. We aren't who we used to be and if he did kill Thor then I would have to make sure he couldn't hurt anyone else, ever. Loki has already killed a lot of Midgardians and even if I don't want to believe he did it on him own will there isn't much evidence otherwise. If I was put into the position I wonder if I would have the strength to do what I know is right. If I would be able to kill Loki if he does something that requires it.

Volstagg then lets him go and we board the ship. I briefly consider that the reason he's so happy is that he's never gotten so much attention from people other than Frigga and I. I look at him but I can't tell if that's the reason or if he truly has a few springs loose from the fall out of this realm. If either were true I wouldn't be very surprised. Thor steps up to the controls and starts to press a button or two hoping something would happen. "I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing," Loki said.

"I said 'how hard could it be?'" Thor corrects as he presses more random buttons.

"Evidently, very hard," I say. We then hear guards outside and I whisper "Quickly please."

"Yes, whatever you're doing, brother, I suggest you do it faster."

"Shut up, Loki," Thor says pressing more random buttons but faster now.

"You must have missed something," Loki says.

"No, I didn't," Thor argues. "I'm pressing every button on this thing."

"Ah, brotherly bonding," I say sarcastically.

"No, don't hit it. Just press it gently," Loki says.

"I'm pressing it gently, it's not working!" Thorsays smashing the control board, suddenly it roars to life and Thor laughs athis success. He takes control and get the engine on, the ship slowly raises andwe're airborne.

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